Mteor 301
Syllabus Archived Forecast Data Forecasting Resources


Forecasting Resources


Upper Air Products

Upper air analysis have many uses. Each map displays different aspects of the weather situation. The 300 mb map defines the jet stream position. The 500 mb map illustrates the positions of and troughs and ridges, which may indicate areas of stormy or fair weather. The 850 mb map can be used to indicate the presence or absence of moisture available for precipitation.

850 mb maps

* Dewpoint depressions < 10 degrees Celsius suggest sufficient moisture for precipitation

700 mb maps

* Short-waves indicate areas of upward motion

500 mb maps

* Ridges are associated with fair weather and warmer temperatures
* Troughs are associated with stormy weather and cooler temperatures
* Vorticity may be used to determine regions of upward (+) or downward (-) motion

300 mb maps

* Jet stream is used to identify areas of convergence and divergence at the surface


Last modified Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:46 PM