PROGRAM Pollution_3 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Program that reads 3 pollution levels, calculates a pollution ! index as their integer average, and then displays an appropriate ! air-quality message. Identifiers used are: ! Level_1, Level_2, Level_3 : the three pollution levels ! LowCutoff, HighCutoff : cutoff values that distinguish ! between good/fair, and fair/poor ! conditions, respectively ! Index : the integer average of the pollution levels ! ! Input: The three pollution levels and the cutoff value ! Constants: The two cutoff values ! Output: The pollution index and a "good condition" message if ! this index is less than LowCutoff, a "fair condition" ! message if it is between LowCutoff and HighCutoff, ! and a "poor condition" message otherwise !------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: Level_1, Level_2, Level_3, Index INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LowCutoff = 25, HighCutoff = 50 ! Get the 3 pollution readings PRINT *, "Enter 3 pollution readings (parts per million):" READ *, Level_1, Level_2, Level_3 ! Calculate the pollution index Index = (Level_1 + Level_2 + Level_3) / 3 ! Classify the pollution index and display an appropriate ! air-quality message SELECT CASE (Index ) CASE (:LowCutoff - 1) PRINT *, "Good condition" CASE (LowCutoff : HighCutoff - 1) PRINT *, "Fair condition" CASE (HighCutoff:) PRINT *, "Poor condition" END SELECT END PROGRAM Pollution_3