Latest surface analysis from Hydrometeorological Prediction Center.
Class Goal
Learn about meteorological instrumentation, data collection, and analysis through an interactive, lab based approach.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Obtain an understanding of the theories and practices used in measuring and analyzing
atmospheric variables.
- Obtain an understanding of modern weather stations, their function, and their use to acquire data.
- Properly analyze and evaluate data from modern weather stations to address scientific questions.
- Credit or enrollment in Math 266
- Credit or enrollment in Phys 232
Meeting Times
M - 3:20-4:10 PM - Lecture - 3128 Agronomy Hall
W - 3:20-5:10 PM - Lab - 3128 Agronomy Hall
Meet the Instructor
Dave Flory
Teaching Professor
3101 Agronomy Hall
Phone: (515) 294-0264
Email: flory@iastate.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment