Scientist's Site Describes Effects of Pollution on Cultural Monuments

by: Bianca P. Floyd

Several years ago, when Lynn Salmon first posted her Travel diaries to an Internet newsgroup, she was looking for a way of telling her family members and friends about interesting places she had visited. Only later did she start using the Net to warn people about the damage that pollution is causing to the world's cultural sites - from grottoes in China with ancient paintings to a 12th-century church in Cyprus ornamented with Byzantine murals.

Ms. Salmon is a research engineer at the California Institute of Technology who studies the effects of airborne pollutants on national parks, museums, and archaeological sites around the world. She uses her World-Wide Web site to describe her research into ways of protecting such treasures from environmental harm, as well as to attract participants for her Global Ozone Passive Monitoring Project.


Chronicle of Higher Education, Wednesday, February 3, 1999.