Vanishing of the Greenland ice sheet due to global warming raises sea level by 20 feet (7 meters)

© 2004 Eugene S. Takle

Sustained input to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases will lead to long term warming with major consequences for the Greenland ice sheet. Gregory et al. (2004) calculate that a mere 2.7°C rise in Greenland mean temperature will cause the ice sheet to lose mass faster than it gains mass. For a 3°C warming Greenland would shrink to a smaller island, and an 8°C warming would cause the entire ice mass to disappear over about 1,000 years with a consequential rise of 7 meters in mean global sea level.


Gregory, J.M., P. Huybrechts, and S.C.B. Raper, 2004: Threatened loss of the Greenland ice sheet. Nature, 428, 616.