World's 25 largest cities in the year 2000

RankCity/country Population (mill.) Location
1Mexico City, Mexico26.3Inland
2Sao Paulo, Brazil24.0Inland
3Tokyo/Yokohama, Japan17.1Coastal(P)
4Calcutta, India16.6*Coastal (P)
5Greater Bombay, India16.0Coastal (P)
6New York/New Jersey,15.5Coastal (P)
7Seoul, Republic of Korea13.5Inland
8Shanghai, People's13.5River Mouth (P)
Republic of China
9Rio de Janerio, Brazil13.3*Coastal (P)
10Delhi, India13.3Inland
11Greater Buenos Aires,13.2*Coastal (P)
12Cairo/Giza/Imbada,Egypt13.2*On River
13Jakarta, Indonesia12.8*Coastal(P)
14Bagdad, Iraq12.8*Inland
15Teheran, Iran12.7Inland
16Karachi, Pakistan12.2*Coastal (P)
17Istanbul, Turkey11.9*Coastal (P)
18Los Angeles, California11.2Coastal (P)
19Dacca, Bangladesh11.2*On River
20Manila, Philippines11.1*Coastal (P)
21Beijing, People's10.8Inland
Republic of China
22Moscow, U.S.S.R.10.1Inland
23Bangkok/Thonburi, 9.5*Coastal (P)
24Tianjin, People's 9.2Coastal (P)
Republic of China
25Paris, France9.2Inland

Note - * = Annual population increase more than 2% yr. (P) = Port Functions.

Source: United Nations Department of International and Social Affairs, Estimates and Projections of Urban, Rural and City Populations. 1950-2025: The 1982 Assessment, (New York: United Nations, 1985). p.147 Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Topographic Center, World Per Index (10th Edition), 1986 Publication No. 150.