Sea-Level Rise

Typical Exam Questions

1. Explain why changes in Antarctic ice accumulation under modest global warming will cause sea level to drop. How does this compare with Greenland ice accumulation?

2. Use the sketch below to explain the response of the Antarctic sheet and the Greenland ice sheet to global warming.

3. The ice altitude-mass balance feedback process leads to an irreversibility, or hysteresis, of the death and birth of mountain glaciers. Using a sketch if necessary, describe the reason for this irreversibility and the conditions that are required for re-establishment of a glacier once lost to global warming.

4. Discuss the underlying reason that a mountain glacier which disappears under global warming will not reappear under subsequent global cooling at the same global mean temperature that it disappeared.

5. Discuss the projected sea-level rise and the relative contributions due to the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, Antarctic ice sheet, mountain glaciers, and other factors.

6. Discuss the changes that can be expected to occur on the Antarctic ice mass as global warming proceeds.