Area coverage, plant
carbon and net primary production for major terrestrial ecosystems in 1850 and
1980. Takle.
Atmospheric CO2 concentration excess as a function of time. Houghton, J.T.,
G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds,
1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge
University Press, 364 pp.
Atmospheric changes
in carbon 14
values derived from tree rings between 1820-1954. Source unknown.
Annual uptake of Carbon. Adapted and corrected from Sarmiento, J. L.,
Ocean and carbon cycle. C & EN, May 31
Anthropogenic CO2
production rate. Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds,
1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change,
Cambridge University Press, 364 pp.
Global concentrations of
methane in the troposphere. Adapted from Blake and Rowland (1987).
Average atmospheric methane
concentrations. Adapted from Khalil and Rasmussen, C and E News,
64 (47), 23.
Methane, CO2 and
temperature profiles. Adapted from Woodwell et al, Scientific
American, April 1989
Estimated sources and sinks
of methane. Adapted from the IPCC supplemental Report,
Trends in domestic animal
population (1890-1985). EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing global
Estimated sources and sinks
of carbon monoxide. EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing global
Definitions for Discussing
Global Quantities.
Atmospheric CO2
concentrations at Barrow, Ak, Mauna Loa, Hi, American Samoa, and South
Pole. American Scientist, 78, 325 (1990). Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The
Scientific Research Society.
Atmospheric CO2 since
the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. EPA.
Changes in global
atmospheric CO2 and global surface temperature over the last 160,000 years. U.S. Global Change
Research Program
Net release of carbon from
tropical deforestation. EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing
global climate.
Carbon dioxide emissions
from cement production EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing
global climate.
Fossil fuel emissions.
American Scientist, 78, 310 (1990). Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The
Scientific Research Society.
CO2 emissions due to
fossil fuel consumption. EPA.
Seven box schematic of the
carbon cycle NASA
High latitude oceans play a
significant role
Feedback processes in the
carbon cycle
Essential nutrients for ocean
Biological activity in the
oceans of the southern hemisphere American Scientist
July/Aug 1990. Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The Scientific Research
Biological activity in the
oceans of the northern hemisphere American Scientist
July/Aug 1990. Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The Scientific Research
Global concentration of
phytoplankton. NASA.
Mean near-surface
phytoplankton pigment concentrations. NASA
Vertical distribution of
carbon dioxide in the air around a forest varies with time of day.
J. D. Butler, Air Pollution Chemistry, 1979.
Net assimilation of carbon
by photosynthesis American Scientist July/Aug 1990.
Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The Scientific Research Society.
January-February global plant
biological activity as determined by the Global Vegetative Index. American Scientist
78, 322 (1990). Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The Scientific Research Society.
July-August global plant
biological activity as determined by the Global Vegetative Index. American Scientist
78, 322 (1990). Permission granted by Sigma, Xi, The Scientific Research Society.
Productive potential of the
Earth's vegetative biomass. NASA
Area coverage, plant carbon and net primary production for major terrestrial ecosystems.
Area coverage, plant
carbon and net primary production for major terrestrial ecosystems in 1850 and 1980.
Emissions from fossil
fuels into the atmosphere.. Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds,
1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge
University Press, 364 pp.
Atmospheric changes
in carbon 14
values derived from tree rings between 1820-1954. Source unknown.
Changes of carbon 13 in tree
rings and of atmospheric CO2 relative to preindustrial conditions
(1800-1850). Source unknown.
Annual uptake of Carbon. Adapted and corrected from Sarmiento, J. L., 1993:
Ocean and carbon cycle. C & EN, May 31
Anthropogenic CO2
production rate. Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds,
1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change,
Cambridge University Press, 364 pp.
Greenhouse effect. (Used with permission from CALMET '95, CAL Working group of SCHOTI.)