Average atmospheric methane concentrations. Adapted from Khalil and Rasmussen, C and E News, 64 (47), 23.
Methane, CO2 and temperature profiles. Adapted from Woodwell et al, Scientific American, April 1989
Estimated sources and sinks of methane. Adapted from the IPCC supplemental Report, 1992.
Trends in domestic animal population (1890-1985). EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing global climate.
Rough rice production (1984). EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing global climate.
Estimated sources and sinks of carbon monoxide. EPA, 1989: Policy options for stabilizing global climate.
N2O concentrations from 1977-1988 and past 2000 years. Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums eds, 1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 364 pp.
Estimated sources and sinks of nitrous oxide. IPCC, 1990.
Nitrogen fertilizer consumption. EPA: Policy Options for Stabilizing Global Climate.