1-11: Global Hydrological Cycle
Eugene S. Takle
© 1998
A. Importance
- Global energy balance
- a) moving energy from tropics poleward
- b) vapor as a greenhouse gas
- c) clouds as reflector of solar, absorber of infrared
- d) snow/ice cover influence on albedo
- e) angle-of-incidence dependence of albedo
- f) impact on absorptivity of shortwave radiation
- Regulator of global vegetation patterns
- Influence on global and regional ocean circulations
- Source of renewable energy
- Role in ecosystem functioning
- Human consumption
B. Components of the global hydrological cycle
- Global oceans
- Antarctic ice sheet
- Greenland ice sheet
- Mountain glaciers
- Arctic ice
- Lakes
- Rivers
- Sea ice
- Continental seasonal snow
- Ground water
- Soil moisture
- Deep aquifers
- Permafrost
- Biospheric water
- Atmospheric water vapor
- Clouds - liquid
- Clouds - ice
C. Reservoirs, fluxes, and time scales
D. Spatial distribution
E. Phase changes and consequences
- Latent heat of vaporization
- a. (0oC): 2.500 x 106 J kg-1
- b. (100oC): 2.25 x 106 J kg-1
- Latent heat of fusion: (0oC): 3.34 x 105 J kg-1
F. Interaction with dynamics
G. Role in global change of components of the global hydrological cycle
- Global oceans
- Transport heat poleward
- Supply moisture to atmosphere
- Medium for ocean biology
- Provides thermal inertia to create long time scales
in the climate system
- Source of food
- Antarctic ice sheet
- Reflects solar radiation
- Provides thermal inertia to create long time scales
in the climate system
- Creates extreme cold conditions for stratospheric
ozone depletion
- Greenland ice sheet
- Reflects solar radiation
- Provides thermal inertia to create long time scales
in the climate system
- Mountain glaciers
- Reflect solar radiation
- Provide a reservoir of freshwater for human
- Arctic ice
- Reflect solar radiation
- Regulates circulation between Arctic Ocean and
- Lakes
- Provide fresh water for human consumption
- Ecosystem services
- Aesthetics (raise the human spirit)
- Provide source of food
- Allow inexpensive transportation
- Rivers
- Provide fresh water for human consumption
- Economic services (cooling water, industrial uses)
- Ecosystem services
- Aesthetics (raise the human spirit)
- Provide source of food
- Allow inexpensive transportation
- Sea ice
- Contributes to poleward heat transport
- Regulates heat loss
- Reflects solar radiation
- Continental seasonal snow
- Reflects solar radiation
- Temporary (seasonal) water reservoir
- Ground water
- Human consumption
- Irrigation
- Temporary reservoir
- Soil moisture
- Agriculture/forestry
- Regulate surface energy budget
- Ecosystem services
- Deep aquifers
- Agriculture
- Human consumption
- Permafrost
- Storage of methane
- Thermal inertia
- Biospheric water
- Transports nutrients in plants
- Cools plants
- Nourishment for animals
- Atmospheric water vapor
- Greenhouse gas
- Vehicle for heat transport
- Vehicle for cloud formation
- Vehicle for moisture transport
- Clouds - liquid
- Reflect solar radiation
- Absorb infrared radiation
- Transport water
- Transport latent heat
- Cleanse atmosphere
- Clouds - ice
- Reflect solar radiation
- Cleanse atmosphere
- Absorb infrared radiation
- Transport latent heat
F. Major field experiments and data relating to global change
- Water resources of the United States