Remote sensing: hydrological cycle and the earth system images

Typical distribution of upper air soundings.

Typical distribution of satellite temperature profile.

Schematic description of the spectrum.

Sun synchronous polar orbiting satellite.

Precipitable water.


Precipitable water (Watts per square meter), Dec. 2, 1988.

Precipitable water point means (W/m^2), June 1988 - August 1988.

Precipitable water point means (W/m^2), Dec. 1988 - Feb. 1989.

Precipitable water point standard deviations (W/m^2), Dec. 1988 - Feb. 1989.

Precipitable water point standard deviations (W/m^2), June 1988 - August 1988.

Precipitable water (point standard deviations)/(point means), June 1988 - August 1988.

Precipitable water (point standard deviations)/(point means), Dec. 1988 - Feb. 1989.

Water vapor/temperature and horizontal structure of large anomalies.

Monthly precipitable water amounts.

Daily precipitable water amounts.

Fitting results - full field.

Summer precipitable water counts for selected temperature range.

Winter precipitable water counts for selected temperature range.