3-6: Impact of Global Change on Agriculture

(From 1996 Sustainable Agriculture lecture)
Potential impacts of climate change on agriculture
World grain production per capita.
Yield contour graph for soybeans.
Yield contour graph for corn.
Summary flow chart.
Yield change projections under different environmental scenarios for soybeans.
Yield change projections under different environmental scenarios for maize.
Yield change projections under different environmental scenarios for wheat.
Climate change impacts on crop production without farm level adjustments.
Climate change impacts on crop production with farm level adjustments.
Change in the value of crop production.
Epa climate change project sites.
Percent change in corn yields.
Percent change in soybean yields.
Response to temperature as simulated by SOYGRO.
Response to daylength and latitude as simulated by SOYGRO.
Annual US wheat, corn and soybean production.
World corn and wheat production.
US EPA report.
Crop model sites and modelers.
Modeled 2xC02 production changes for maize.
Modeled 2xC02 production changes for wheat.
Modeled 2xC02 production changes for soybeans.
Percent change in average national yield with a doubling of atmospheric C0 concentration.
Estimated change in average national grain yield.
Estimated change in average national grain yield under 2 levels of adaptation.
Nitrogen fertilizer consumption. EPA.