Class images
Boreal Forest Area as a Source of Carbon Dioxide | |
Deforestation: CIESIN thematic guide. | |
New OLS Biomass Page. | |
Vegetation Applications-Agriculture, Forestry and Ecology (From the Applied Information Sciences Branch, NASA) Note: This page is still under construction. |
Deforestation Monitoring System from the Joint Research Centre and the European Space Agency. | |
Global Forest Policy. From Linkages. | |
Keeley, Jon E. and C. J. Fotheringham, 1997: Trace Gas Emissions and Smoke-Induced Seed Germination. Science 276, 1248-1250. | |
Janetos, Anthony C., 1997: Do We Still Need Nature? Consequences 13. | |
Robinson, Scott, 1997: The Case of the Missing Songbirds. Consequences 13. | |
Shukla, J., C. Nobre, and P. Sellers, 1990: Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change. Science 247, 1322-1325. | |
Vitousek, P.M., 1991: Can Planted Forests Counteract Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide? Journal of Environmental Quality 20, 348-354. |
Biodiversity Glossary of Terms | |
Forests and other wooded lands, technical atlas, from the World Food Summit homepage. (To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html). | |
Forests as carbon sinks, Abrams, Joel. | |
New Species Created at Rainforest Margins | |
Cash, J. H. C., and C. A. Nobre, 1997: Some results from ABRACOS. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78, 823-828 |