Class images
Houghton, J. T., L. G. Meira Filho, B. A. Callander N. Harris,
A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell, 1996: Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change.
Cambridge University Press, 454-469. | |
Houghton, J. T., G. J. Jenkins, and J. J. Ephraums, 1990: Climate Change, The IPCC Scientific Assessment. Cambridge University Press. p. 289-306. | |
What is the economic value of the global
ecosystem? The 15 May 1997 issue of Nature magazine (Volume 387 no 6230) raises this question: "What is the global ecosystem worth? Or, to put it another way, how much would we have to pay for the goods and services the Earth currently provides for free? An alliance of ecologists and economists has estimated the annual value of the services provided by the Earth's ecosystem at $33 trillion, or about twice global gross national product." |
The topic of the class was "Vegetation Responses to a Changing Environment." Several definitions to key words and abreviations were covered so that those students not familiar with the terms would now have that knowledge. Following a brief introduction of the subject, climatic driving forces such as solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, air humdity and atmospheric CO2 were discussed. The effects that each of these factors have on plant growth and development were then discussed in detail. It was then stated that land use and development has a greater impact on soil carbon dynamics and soil biodiversity then any or all of the climatic forces. The next topic was ecology. Changes in ecological processes are difficult to predict and ecosystems are destroyed by either the loss of species within the ecosystem or by the invasion of alien species. A reference was then made to "Ciesin Thematic Guides." The guides refer to the loss of biodiversity as taking place because of human impacts, destruction of critical habitats, species be forced to extinction or the invasion of non-native species. The last piece of information was that species are becoming extinct at a rate of one million times faster than species are being created. |
Biological diversity: a CIESIN thematic guide. | |
Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds, 1990:
1990 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Cambridge University Press,
300-306. | |
Root, T. L., and S. H. Schneider, 1995: Ecology and Climate:
Research Strategies and Implications. Science 269, 334-341. | |
Root, T. L., and S. H. Schneider, 1993: Can Large Scale Climatic
Models be Linked With Multi-Scale Ecological Studies? Conservation Biology
7, 256-270. |
Tans, P. P., and
J. W. C. White, 1998: In balance, with a little help from the plants.
Science 281, 183-184. | |
Falkowski, P. G.,
R. T. Barber, and V. Smetacek, 1998: Biogeochemical controls and feedbacks on
ocean primary production. Science 281, 200-206. | |
Biodiversity Glossary of Terms | |
Cohen, Joel, 1995: Population Growth and Earth's Carrying
Capacity. Science 269, 341-346. |