Class images
How much will the climate change? (From UNEP.) | |
What happens when we double CO2 in a climate model? (From UNEP.) | |
Houghton, J. T., L. G. Meira Filho, B. A. Callander, N. Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell, 1996: Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 289-305. | |
Houghton, J. T., G. J. Jenkins, and J. J. Ephraums, 1990: Climate Change, The IPCC Scientific Assessment. Cambridge University Press. p.137-154, 179-192. (skim material related to pre-class reading) |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (Through EPA) | |||||
Why "climate change" and "global warming" are not the same thing. (From UNEP.) | |||||
Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds, 1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 137-172 and 179-193. | |||||
Kirshen, P. H., Fennessey, N. M. 1995: Possible Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply of Metropolitan Boston. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 121, 61-69. | |||||
Meehl, G. A., and W. M. Washington, 1993: South Asian Summer Monsoon Variability in a Model with Doubled Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Science 260, 1101-1106. | |||||
Murray, R. J., Simmonds., I. 1995: Responses of Climate and
Cyclones to Reduction in Arctic Winter Sea Ice. Journalof Geophysical Research
100, 4791-4806.
Rind, D., R. Golberg, and R. Ruedy, 1989: Changes in Climate
Variability in the 21st Century. Climate Change 14, 5-37.
| Watkins, A. B., Simmonds., I. 1995: Sensitivity of Numerical
Prognoses to Antarctic Sea Ice Distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research
100, 22,681-22,696.
| |
Gutowski, William J., G. F. McMahon, S. S Schluchter, and P. H. Kirshen. 1994: Effects of Global Warming on Hurricane-Induced Flooding. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 120, 176-185. |