Additional Servers Providing Data, Images, and Other Information on Global Change

The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center contains selected data sets relevant to studies of greenhouse gases and climate.

The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) provides climate products and services consisting of operational prediction of climate variations, monitoring of the climate system and development of data bases for determining current global and regional climate anomalies and trends, and analysis of their origins and linkages to the complete climate system.

The Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS) gopher server provides information on global change study areas and directories of global change data and information.

The Global Change Master Directory is a comprehensive source of information about Earth science, environmental, climate, and global change data holdings available to the scientific community throughout the world.

The Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) uses an interactive scientific data management system that includes an integrated set of software tools for locating and accessing data from NASA and other correlative research missions in upper atmosphere, atmospheric dynamics, and global biosphere disciplines. It also provides its users with "real people" support.

The Guide to USDA Global Change Databases summarizes the results of a two year survey conducted on global environmental change-related databases generated and used by United States Department of Agriculture agencies and related USDA-funded state-based entities

The NOAA Home Page provides information regarding marine and coastal ecosytems, seasonal and interannual forecasts, long term global change, navigation and positioning, environmental information services, fleet replacement and modernization, protected species, warnings and forecasts, and high performance computing and communications.

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is to provide reliable predictions of future climate changes and their effects.

Even More Servers with Global Change/Environmental Data and Information.