Information and Registration

Purpose of the portfolio

A portfolio is defined as a "representative and judicious collection of your work." Your portfolio for this course has two fundamental purposes:
  1. providing a documentation of your work, and
  2. serving as the basis for evaluating your work against given standards.

Benefits of the portfolio

  1. The portfolio provides you the benefits of criteria to be used in judging your work.
  2. The portfolio provides you the benefits of direct evidence of your work.
  3. The portfolio provides you the benefits of a chance for self-analysis and reflection.
  4. A form of "electronic publishing."

Registering for your portfolio

Complete the following steps. If you encounter difficulties, contact
  1. Go to the course home page
  2. Click on "Student Registration".
  3. Click on "Click here to register for your portfolio."
  4. Enter the user ID and password provided by your instructor in the "Netscape: Password" window. This will get you the registration page. You only have to do this once.
  5. Carefully fill out the forms on the registration page. DO NOT FORGET YOUR PERSONAL PASSWORD. Click on the submit button after you have filled out all the fields.
  6. You will be given your portfolio URL. WRITE IT DOWN! It is very important that you quit Netscape or your Web browser completely when you are finished. You may want to "bookmark" your portfolio page if you are working on your own computer. Each time you start a new Netscape session and access your portfolio, you will have to enter your user ID and password.