Old News

As of 4 March 1997

As you may already know, you now have a "completed work" section appended to your portfolio. Keep in mind that this feature is still in development and will only get better with feedback from you. We are manually running the program which generates the completed works file. In the near future, this program will run each midnight, thus updating your portfolio daily. Jennifer Richardson provided me with some comments about her portfolio. I would like to hear from more of you!

Sample questions for the upcoming exam are now available on ClassNet. Choose "Blk1: Self Test" to see sample questions. Remember, this is not a graded assignment.

We have some latest news releases, in particular, information about the latest cracks in the Antarctic ice shelf. See the latest news release page for additional information.

Also, Warren Dolphin in Biology wanted us to make this announcement: I would appreciate your mentioning in your class that there are some openings left for the Biology field trip to Costa Rica to be taken May 10 through 24. We will visit pristine rainforests, cloud forests in the mountains, and the beaches on the Pacific coast under the guidance of English-speaking biologists from the faculty of the University of Costa Rica. Students interested in the trip should contact me immediately by E-mail at wdolphin or by phone at 294-8595. Cost for the trip is estimated at $1,600, including airfare. Students will receive 1 credit in Biology 394 for a pretrip seminar and 2 credits for the trip. Students who took the trip last year felt that it was the experience of a lifetime.

Greetings from Long Beach, California! I had several email concerned about the paper topic due February 3rd. Since Gene and I are out of town, we were unable to "warn" you about the due date. We will be back in town on T hursday, so try to get your topics submitted by Wednesday night. Consult your portfolio for expectations regarding topics.

James O'Brien brought to my attention the discontinuity in the required reading and the text for the course. I have now updated the first block required reading assignments so they are consistent with the 1996 IPCC text. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Note, the works file generation process is not yet functioning. We anticipate this feature to be working sometime early next week. Watch this space for updates.

Many of you have been asking me similar questions. I have compiled those questions and created a Frequently Asked Questions page. If you are encountering difficulties, consult the FAQ page. Otherwise, feel free to send me an email.

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