Information on Refereed or Peer Reviewed Literature

Refereed or peer-reviewed literature is the name given to journals that publish scholarly articles that have been anonymously read and critically reviewed by other scholars knowledgeable on the topic of the article. The editor of such a journal receives articles submitted for publication and sends them to 2 to 4 scholars with established reputations in the discipline of the article. These reviewers typically are asked to comment on the scholarly merit of the paper, its technical quality, and practical significance. They also will comment on the quality of the writing, clarity of the illustrations, and justification for the conclusions. Finally, the reviewer will be asked to state whether the paper should be published "as is", published with minor modifications, published only after major modifications, or rejected. Most authors are asked to make at least minor, but often major modifications to their original manuscripts. The quality of the journal is judged by the rigor of the review process conducted by its editor.

The following is a partial list of peer-reviewed journals that publish articles relating to global change.

  1. Ambio
  2. American Scientist
  3. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
  4. Climate Change
  5. Climate Dynamics
  6. Environmental Pollution
  7. Geographical Magazine
  8. Geophysical Research Letters
  9. International Journal of Climatology
  10. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
  11. Journal of Animal Science
  12. Journal of Applied Meteorology
  13. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
  14. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
  15. Journal of Climate
  16. Journal of Environmental Quality
  17. Journal of Geophysical Research
  18. Journal of Hydrology
  19. Journal of Oceanic and Atmospheric Technology
  20. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
  21. Journal of Oceanic and Atmospheric Technology
  22. Journal of Physical Oceanography
  23. Journal of the Soil Science Society of America
  24. The Lancet
  25. Monthly Weather Review
  26. Nature
  27. Ocean-Atmosphere
  28. Plant Physiology
  29. Plant and Soil
  30. Pure and Applied Geophysics
  31. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
  32. Science
  33. Tellus
  34. Vegetation