3-8: Impact of Global Change on Water Resources and Water Use

US Geological Survey realtime data for South Skunk river

Groundwater-"Nuts and Bolts"

Ground water: Subsurface water that occurs beneath a water table in soil and geological units that are fully saturated.

Hydrogeology: ".....interdisciplinary science of the study of water and its interrelation with rocks, soil, and humans, with an emphasis on groundwater" (Stephenson et al., 1991)

Course dealing with groundwater af lSU:
Geology 510, 511, 522, 534
CCE 573, 575, 579
Agronomy 577, 578, 677
ABE 520, 522

The hydrologic cycle

Withdrawal of freshwater in the US

Per capita freshwater usage in the US

Predicted Effects of Climate Change from Water in the 21st Century in Water in Crisis by Gleick, 1993).

Water in the 21st Century (article by Peter Gleick, 1993, in Water in Crisis ).

  • Ogallala Aquifer
    Principle geologic units of the High Plains aquifer

    Water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer

    Water-Level Changes in the High Plains Aquifer, Predevelopment to 1994

  • Water management under certainty
    Ames map showing locations of hydrogeologic interest