2-10: Satellite Observations of the Earth/Atmosphere/Ocean/Biosphere

Satellite orbit period vs. orbit radius.

Satellite orbit period vs. orbit radius, continued.

GOES satellite.

Height conditions for a geostationary satellite.

NOAA and GOES satellites.

GOES geographic coverage.

Data products.

Solar flare effects.

Advanced TIROS - N (ATN)

One-polar soundings for 00Z map.

TIROS polar-orbiting environmental satellite.

Fundamental polar satellite products: AVHRR

AVHRR channels.

Two-polar soundings for 00Z map.

Fundamental polar satellite products: TIROS operational vertical sounder.

Fundamental polar satellite products: TVOS.

Atmospheric soundings.

Summary of fundamental polar-orbiting satellite products.

Derived polar satellite products.

Landsat orbit.

Multispectral Scanner (MSS) sensor.

Landsat image of Detroit.

Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor.

Additional images not used in the Learning Unit

NESDIS programs.

Operational earth observation satellites.

Two types of satellites.

Black body emission spectra for the sun and earth.

Fundamental polar satellite products: HRPT

Fundamental polar satellite products: APT

Search and rescue system.

Polar satellite communications link summary.

Collection of polar satellite data.

Polar satellite communications links to processing center.

Processing data from polar satellites.

Domestic users.

Collection of geostationary satellite products.

International weather satellites.

Earth Observing System (EOS): Mission to Planet Earth.



Satelllte Data Shows Global Sea Level Rise

Upper atmosphere research satellite.

An abridged guide to climatic remote sensing.