2-12: Sea-Level Rise



Causes of relative sea-level change. Earthquest, UCAR.

Global mean sea-level rise over the last century. IPCC, 1990.

Variations of some selected glaciers as measured by their length. IPCC, 1990.

A boulder at the western margin of the Quelccaya Ice Cap in the tropical Andes of Peru in 1978. Chemical & Engineering News, November 27, 1995

The same boulder in 1995. Chemical & Engineering News, November 27, 1995

Physical characteristics of glacier ice on earth. Adapted from IPCC, 1990.

Dependence of ablation and accumulations on annual surface temperature. IPCC, 1990.

Generalized mass balance field in which the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are projected.

Mass balance exercise

Antarctic Ice. Earthquest, UCAR.

British Antarctic Survey Press Release 1/95 27 February 1995: One small ice shelf dies, one giant iceberg born

Processes affecting the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Sensible heat and open ocean polynya.

Latent heat and, coastal polynya.

Large scale meridional circulation of the ocean.

Predicted sea-level rise according to various IPCC emissions scenarios.

Projected sea-level rise according to IPCC scenarios. Earthquest, UCAR.

Annual mass balance of Greenland Ice Sheet.

Temperature scenario used in present estimate of sea-level changes.

Global sea-level rise for scenarios B, C, and D and for "business-as-usual". IPCC, 1990.

Major delta areas vulnerable to sea-level rise.