Michael R. Taber

Biographical Information
Mike is a PhD student majoring in Water Resources at Iowa State. As part of his research assistantship, Mike has been co-developing with Eugene Takle a course on the Internet titled, Global Change: A course on our environment in transition. The course was recently given a 1996 Iowa Educational Technology Showcase Award for outstanding use of the Internet in education. Currently, Mike is working on implementing student managed portfolios into the global change course. Before coming to Iowa State, Mike was a sixth grade teacher of Math and Science at Panorama Middle School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There he was involved in field testing the Biological Science Curriculum Studies (BSCS) Science and Technology: Investigating Human Dimensions new middle school science curriculum. In addition, Mike was a staff development instructor on the use of technology in the classroom and recognized by his peers as 1994 Teacher of the Year for his school. Mike's PhD research involves a micrometeorological investigation on surface energy fluxes for wetlands. The focus of his research is, "The Importance of Heat Storage in the Surface Energy Balance for a Constructed Wetland."

Office: 3010 Agronomy Hall
Telephone: (515) 294-4758
Fax: (515) 294-2619
E-mail: mtaber@iastate.edu




Professional Memberships

Current Research and Related Activities

Publications, Seminars, and Conference Presentations Since 1994

Teaching and curriculum development

Scientific research