Trends in Student Attitudes

Computing and Science Literacy

Students have used the following: 1995 1996 1997 1998
Mac 87.10% 79.3% 91.67% 83.33%
IBM PC or clone 83.87% 100% 100% 94.44%
Word Processing 80.65% 89.7% 100% 94.44%
Fortran, Basic, or C language 64.52% 65.5% 75% 61.11%
HTML language 16.13% 27.6% 54.17% 44.44%
Spreadsheets 67.74% 72.4% 91.67% 83.33%
E-mail 80.65% 93.1% 95.83% 100%
Internet 58.06% 79.3% 87.5% 100%
Mosaic 41.94% 69.0% 58.33% 50%
Gopher 39.71% 75.9% 50% 37.5%
(Response scale:Strongly Agree: 5Agree: 4Undecided: 3Disagree: 2Strongly Disagree: 1)
Felt academically prepared for this course4.
Time required for this course is excessive2.742.722.752.94
The level of science in this course should be lower3.
Felt comfortable moving through course materials over the Internet3.714.243.833.78

Information Retrieval

(Response scale:Strongly Agree: 5Agree: 4Undecided: 3Disagree: 2Strongly Disagree: 1)
Have received sufficient instruction on use of computers3.813.823.463.44
More training is needed for using the WWW before first assignmentN/AN/A2.382.44
Availability of lecture transcripts is importantN/AN/A4.364.28
Comfortable using the WWW for assignmentsN/AN/A4.084.56
Since beginning of course, have become more proficient at using the WWWN/AN/A3.753.17
Finding information on the WWW is easyN/AN/A3.754.00
Confident in ability to download MPEG or Quicktime moviesN/AN/A3.173.28
Confident in ability to troubleshoot problems in hardware and software when using the WWW N/AN/A2.883.05
Comfortable using the electronic dialogN/AN/A3.544.05
Reading and writing information on the Internet is more stressful than conventional obligations2.582.762.752.72
Internet-based information is more difficult to use in preparing for exams3.323.593.503.44
Reading text from the book is easier than reading text on the Internet3.613.693.963.44
Prefer to be able to purchase copies of lecture material rather than having them on the Internet3.062.863.463.06
The ability for the Internet to preserve color is important3.933.933.964.00
The number of hours per week students spend on the Internet for this course2.02(h)3.21(h)2.42(h)3.36(h)
Having global change news or events on the Internet makes this course more interesting3.523.593.583.50
The hypertext on the Internet is quicker to access information than from a textbook3.453.693.753.72
Student won't explore the materials on remote databases if these materials are not on tests2.972.522.543.06
Using a computer for this course annoys students2.842.66N/AN/A

Understanding Course Material

(Response scale:Strongly Agree: 5Agree: 4Undecided: 3Disagree: 2Strongly Disagree: 1)
The WWW is a valuable educational toolN/AN/A4.384.44
The WWW is very resourcefulN/AN/A4.254.33
Internet-based information helps students learn more quickly2.843.002.913.22
A textbook and handouts are easier for students to learn course material than Internet material3.
Internet-based design makes it more difficult to know the expectation of the students3.523.693.833.78
Internet-based design is a good training for real-life application of this course3.873.754.71N/A
Animated loops of images help students learn material better3.653.453.58N/A
Real-time information on global change helps students learn material better3.453.663.794.06
Electronic dialog helps students understand material better3.323.213.212.94
Understanding of global change issues would be enhanced if students outside the United States participated in electronic dialogN/AN/A3.793.67
Having access to class assignments submitted by other students helps to understand

Educational Objectives

(Response scale:Strongly Agree: 5Agree: 4Undecided: 3Disagree: 2Strongly Disagree: 1)
Use of the Internet contributes to:1995199619971998
Students' understanding of international issues3.774.033.833.83
Students' understanding of foreign cultures3.293.553.333.33
The development of new computing skills3.713.664.123.44
Adapting pre-existing computer skills to new applications3.684.003.963.56
WWW information allows students to better understand course materialN/AN/A3.003.17
Students' future application of technology in academic work4.294.434.624.39


(Response scale:Strongly Agree: 5Agree: 4Undecided: 3Disagree: 2Strongly Disagree: 1)
Having their own portfolio helped in understanding the requirements for this courseN/AN/A3.364.23
Students liked having a personal portfolio "home" pageN/A N/AN/A4.22
Having work posted in the portfolio helped assess progress for achievement in each assignmentN/AN/A3.304.00
Students prefer the portfolio than scheduled class time for flexibility in working on class assignmentsN/AN/AN/A3.83
Students used my portfolio often when accessing required assignments N/AN/A3.294.39
Students feel the portfolio is valuable in learning course materialN/AN/A3.21N/A

Personal Satisfaction

(Response scale:Strongly Agree: 5Agree: 4Undecided: 3Disagree: 2Strongly Disagree: 1)
Using the WWW makes assignments more enjoyableN/AN/A2.953.67
The use of the Internet in the course makes students feel good3.904.073.924.00
The WWW cannot replace the lectureN/AN/A3.963.94
Recommend other instructors to consider use of the Internet for their courses3.683.933.373.89
Would like to use the WWW in more classesN/AN/A3.463.72
The frequency students access this homepage in the future:1995199619971998
After this course is over2.162.213.383.44
After students graduate from Iowa State University1.872.153.333.39