Seminar presented on June 5, 1995 at the IGCN Workshop at Iowa State University, Department of Chemistry

Classroom Teaching with World Wide Web

Mike Taber and Gene Takle
ISU Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Agronomy

Special thanks to Doug Fils of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Iowa State University for developing the electronic dialog and assisting in the development of the Cloudlab.


Restructuring of Global Change Course


Scope and Sequence

Fall '94 Spring '95 Summer/Fall '95
-Create homepage using IITAP server -Continue loading images -Shift from lecture/review to pre-lecture, lecture, post-lecture platform
-Put lecture images on lecture pages -Refine electronic dialog by including ethical questions -Create additional simulations for minds-on experiences
-Create electronic dialog lecture, -Use Cu-SeeMe in live interaction -Embed images in concept maps
-Create prototype exercise -Evaluate student survey -Include additional ethical questions

Model for pre-lecture - lecture - post-lecture platform

Pre-lecture		Lecture			Post-lecture
-Student engages in	-Disucssion of		-What processes cause
half-hour simulation	cloud subsets		clouds?
exercise		-What factors were	-What cloud types are
-Example:  Cloudlab	important in making	associated with fronts?
			decisions?		-Create a subset that 
						indicates sequencing of
						clouds during a frontal

Features on the Global Change Course Homepage