Contributing Members of the ISU Global Change Course Team
- Doug Fils
Sytems Support Specialist for the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Pyhysics (IITAP) at Iowa State
University. Doug is in charge of and responsible for the computer code work.
- Mike Taber : Resarch Assistant Professor, Project Manager,
and Lead Curriculum Developer for the
WorldWatcher Curriculum Project at Northwestern University. Mike was the major architect
of the basic web structure of the Global Change course during his graduate program
at Iowa State University.
- Jenn Hodson
Undergraduate assistant for the Global Change Course since summer of 1997. Jenn is
responsible for WWW development and editing.
- Karen
Karen is a senior majoring in Environmental Science and will be an
undergraduate assistant for the Global Change Course. Karen is
responsible for WWW development and editing.
- Leila Rahbar Assistant to Doug Fils at IITAP. Leila
just joined the team this year and has assisted with computer support.
- Daryl Herzmann Assistant to Doug Fils at IITAP.
Daryl also just joined the team this year and has assisted with computer support.
- Jessica Nelson Jessica is our newest addition to the GCP team.
She is a senior in environmental science with an emphasis in water resources and assists in WWW development and
- Kathryn St.Croix Graduate
student in Atmospheric Science and is managing the day-to-day technical
details of the course for Spring 2000, including WWW developing and
- Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen Elsebeth is Associate Professor in the
Department of Communication at Aalborg University in Denmark. She is
interested in distance education, the pedagogical elements of Global
Change, and in learning processes that span cultures, languages, and
national borders.
- Matthew T. Johnson
A 1997 graduate in Meteorology, and now a graduate student in Atmospheric Science at University of
Illinois - Urbana Champaign. Matthew assisted in development of course materials.
- Quinn Snell Quinn is a recent
alum of the course and has developed the Java Pinball Analogy. Quinn now teaches at Brigham Young University.
- Tanetta Isler Graduate student in
Curriculum and Instruction. Tanetta is assisting in pedagogical development of the course.
- Theresa M. Nichols
Administrative assistant for Agronomy... responsible for transcribing lectures.
- Joe Smith 1996 graduate in
Meteorology and assistant for the Global Change Course. Developed the Antarctica and Greenland
mass balance problem for the "Sea-level Rise" lecture. Joe is also assisting in editing Web materials.
- Metinka Slater
Metinka was an undergraduate assistant in Meteorology, 1994-95, responsible for image
scanning and HTML editing. Metinka is now a broadcast meteorologist for WOI channel 5 in Des
Moines, Iowa.