Writer or publisher

Thank you for visiting our site. We invite you to look through our materials and give us your opinions on their usefulness for your purposes. Numerous writers have contacted us and we have supplied tailored materials on global change issues.

Interactive Module
Scan the schedule of lectures to see the range of topics covered in this course. By going to each lecture individually, you will see a variety of resources relating to the lecture topic. Let us know if we can provide you with materials relating to global environmental change.

If you are interested in how the web can be used for interactive instruction modules, you might like to see the module we produced for Peregrine Publishers, Inc. for their site entitled The Biology Place. This is designed for students to read background information on global warming and formulate recommendations to international policy makers by way of our electronic dialog. We have many similar electronic dialog opportunities in the Global Change course, such as the Iron Solution or the discussion on ethical issues. Let us know if we can help you design such a module for your site.

We invite you to scan the materials of the course and then stop back to this page and answer a few questions. Your answers are completely anonymous and do not require you to reveal your identity, but they will help us meet the needs of our visitors.

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Again, thank you for visiting our site. We hope your visit was pleasant and that you accomplished your purpose for stopping by.

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Contact us at gcp@iastate.edu