Associate Professor
Department of Agronomy
Ames, IA 50011
tel. (515) 294-9870
fax (515) 294-3163
email: rwarritt@iastate.edu


  • Ph.D., 1985, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University. Dissertation title : "Numerical studies of thermally and mechanically forced circulations over complex terrain' '. Major professor: R.A. Pielke.
  • M.S., 1982, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. Thesis title: " ;The prediction of probability of precipitation amount using model output statistics''. Major pro fessor: W.M. Frank.
  • B.A. (With Distinction), 1979, University of Virginia. Completed two majors, Economics and E nvironmental Sciences.


  • August 1993 - present: Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University.
  • July 1993: Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas.
  • July 1988 - June 1993: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas.
  • September 1985 - August 1988: Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Research in the A tmosphere, Colorado State University.
  • August 1982 - August 1985: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Atmospheric Science, Co lorado State University.
  • September 1979 - July 1982: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Environmental Sciences , University of Virginia.

Membership in Professional Societies

  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Meteorological Society

Publications since 1990

Refereed Journals:

  • Anderson, C.J. and R.W. Arritt, 1997: Mesoscale convective complexes and persistent elongate d convective systems during 1992 and 1993. Submitted to Monthly Weather Review.
  • Arritt, R.W., T.D. Rink, M. Segal, D.P. Todey, C.A. Clark, M.J. Mitchell and K.M. Labas, 1996 : The Great Plains low-level jet during the warm season of 1993. Monthly Weather Review (in press).
  • Segal, M., R.W. Arritt, J. Shen, C. Anderson and M. Leuthold, 1996: On the clearing of cumul us clouds downwind from lakes. Monthly Weather Review (in press).
  • Segal, M., R. W. Arritt and J.E. Tillman, 1996: On the potential impact of daytime surface s ensible heat flux on the dissipation of Martian cold air outbreaks. Journal of the Atmospheri c Sciences (in revision).
  • Kunkel, K.E., S.A. Changnon, B.C. Reinke and R.W. Arritt, 1996: The July 1995 heat wave in t he Midwest: a climatic perspective and critical weather factors. Bulletin of the American Met eorological Society, 77, 1507-1518.
  • Mitchell, M.J., R.W. Arritt and K. Labas, 1995: A climatology of the warm season Great Plains low-level jet using wind profiler observations. Weather and Forecasting, 10, 576-591.
  • Clark, C.A. and R.W. Arritt, 1995: Numerical simulations of the effect of soil moisture and v egetation cover on the development of deep convection. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 34, 2029-2045.
  • Segal, M., R.W. Arritt, C. Clark, R. Rabin and J. Brown, 1995: Scaling evaluation of the effe ct of surface characteristics on potential for deep convection over uniform terrain. Monthly W eather Review, 123, 383-400.
  • Segal, M., M.J. Mitchell and R.W. Arritt, 1994: Sensitivity of local deep convection potentia l over water bodies to SST and wind speed. Monthly Weather Review, 122, 2210-2217.
  • Segal, M., M.J. Mitchell and R.W. Arritt, 1994: Some sensitivity evaluations of GCM predicted 2xCO2 climate impact on deep convection over water bodies. Journal of Climate (in press).
  • Segal, M., R.W. Arritt and J.E. Heim, 1993: A simple and efficient scheme for executing one- and two-dimensional numerical model sensitivity experiments. Monthly Weather Review, 121, 1871-1873.
  • Segal, M., W.L. Physick, J.E. Heim and R.W. Arritt, 1993: On the enhancement of cold front te mperature contrast by differential cloud cover. Monthly Weather Review, 121, 867-873.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1993: Effects of the large scale flow on characteristic features of the sea bre eze. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 32, 116-125.
  • Arritt, R.W., J.M. Wilczak and G.S. Young, 1992: Observations and numerical modeling of an e levated mixed layer. Monthly Weather Review, 120, 2869-2880.
  • Segal, M. and R.W. Arritt, 1992: Non-classical mesoscale circulations caused by surface sensi ble heat flux gradients. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 73, 1593-1604.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1991: A numerical modeling technique for estimating sulfur dioxide dry depositi on due to local source emissions. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 41, 1341-1347.
  • Pielke, R.A., A. Song, P.J. Michaels, W.A. Lyons and R.W. Arritt, 1991: The predictability of sea-breeze generated thunderstorms. Atmosfera, 4, 65-78.
  • Pielke, R.A., R.A. Stocker, R.W. Arritt and R.T. McNider, 1991: A procedure to estimate worst -case air quality in complex terrain. Environment International, 17, 559-594.

Presentations at Conferences and Symposiums:

  • Arritt, R.W., T.D. Rink, C.A. Clark, M. Segal and Z. Pan, 1996: The low-level jet as a scale interaction mechanism during the 1993 floods over the midwestern United States. Preprints, S eventh Conference on Mesoscale Processes, American Meteorological Society, September 9-13, 19 96, Reading, England, 523-525.
  • Anderson, C.J. and R.W. Arritt, 1996: Synoptic scale features contributing to the active MCS period occurring June 1993 through July 1993. Preprints, 18th Conference on Severe Local Sto rms, American Meteorological Society, February 19-23, 1996, San Francisco, CA, 304-307. --More--(36%)[Press space to contin
  • Shen, J. and R.W. Arritt, 1996: Comparison of GCM subgrid fluxes calculated using BATS and S iB schemes with a coupled land-atmosphere high resolution model. Preprints, 7th Symposium on Global Change, American Meteorological Society, January 28 - February 2, 1996, Atlanta.
  • Shen, J. and R.W. Arritt, 1996: On the influences of boundary-layer resolution of host model on the coupling of biosphere and atmosphere interactions. Preprints, 12th Conference on Biom eteorology and Aerobiology, American Meteorological Society, January 28 - February 2, 1996, A tlanta, 185-188.
  • Arritt, R.W., M. Segal, M. Leuthold, C.J. Anderson, and R.W. Turner, 1996: An observational study of the Lake Okeechobee lake breeze and its effect on deep convection. Preprints, Confer ence on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, American Meteorological Society, January 28 - February 2, 1996, Atlanta, 350-353.
  • Jungbluth, K., J. Belles, M. Schumacher and R. Arritt, 1995: Velocity contamination of WSR-8 8D and wind profiler data due to migrating birds. Preprints, 27th Conference on Radar Meteoro logy, American Meteorological Society, October 9-13, 1995, Vail, CO.
  • Arritt, R.W. and C.J. Anderson, 1995: On the transition from mesoscale to turbulence. Pr eprints, 11th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, M arch 27-31, 1995, Charlotte, NC, 277-278.
  • Orcutt, K.F. and R.W. Arritt, 1995: Comparative fractal dimensions for daytime and nocturnal surface layer turbulence. Preprints, 11th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, A merican Meteorological Society, March 27-31, 1995, Charlotte, NC, 387-389.
  • Shen, J., R.W. Arritt and E.S. Takle, 1995: Modeling investigation of the influences of vege tation and climate conditions on sea/lake breeze and boundary-layer turbulence structure. Pre prints, 11th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, Ma rch 27-31, 1995, Charlotte, NC, 466-469.
  • Clark, C.A. and R.W. Arritt, 1995: Sensitivity of the development of deep convection to soil moisture and fractional vegetation cover. Preprints, Conference on Hydrology, American Me teorological Society, January 15-20, 1995, Dallas, Texas, 121-124.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1994: The nonlinear response of mesoscale land use contrasts in the presence of large-scale flows. Preprints, Tenth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 441-442.
  • Clark, C.A. and R.W. Arritt, 1994: The effect of soil moisture and vegetation cover on surfac e fluxes and deep convection. Preprints, Tenth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, 430-431.
  • Arritt, R.W. and C.A. Clark, 1994: Functional relationships among soil moisture, vegetation c over, and surface fluxes. Preprints, 21st Conference on Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, J37-J38.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1994: An earth system model for evaluation of dry deposition. Preprints, Eig hth Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, American Meteorological So ciety, 135-136.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1993: Nonlinear interaction of mesoscale circulations with large-scale flows. I nvited presentation at the Fall 1993 meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.
  • Smith, E.A., Y. Song, H.J. Cooper, F. Paolino, R.W. Arritt, K.-N. Liou and L. Daren, 1993: Me teorological classification of summer rainfall systems over the upland grassland region of the In ner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Presented at the Second Conference on the Grassland Ecosystem of the Mongolian Steppe (GEMS), November 4-7, 1993, Racine, WI.
  • Mitchell, M.J., R.W. Arritt and K. Labas, 1993: A high-time-resolution climatology of the low -level jet: implications for forecasting mesoscale convection. Preprints, 17th Conference on Severe Local Storms,American Meteorological Society, 529-532..
  • Mitchell, M.J., R.W. Arritt and K. Labas, 1993: Temporal variations in low-level jet developm ent deduced from profiler observations. Preprints, 13th Conference on Weather Analysis and Fo recasting,American Meteorological Society, 466-468.
  • Arritt, R.W., M. Segal, M.J. Hudson and K.L. Polston, 1993: Observations of regional surface evapotranspiration effects using remotely sensed and in-situ data. Preprints, Conference on H ydroclimatology, American Meteorological Society, 106-107.
  • Mitchell, M.J., R.W. Arritt and K. Labas, 1993: Wind profiler analysis of low-level jet inter action with nocturnal convection. Preprints, Eighth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, 270-273.
  • Segal, M., R.W. Arritt, J.E. Heim and M.J. Mitchell, 1993: Influences of surface moisture ava ilability and the background thermodynamic environment on the regional potential for deep convect ion. Preprints, Conference on Hydroclimatology,American Meteorological Society, 19-20.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1992: Effects of unsteady synoptic winds on mesoscale valley circulations. P reprints, Sixth Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 189-190.
  • Arritt, R.W. and M.W. Foster, 1992: Convective boundary layer growth after cloud clearing. < I>Preprints, Symposium on Weather Forecasting, American Meteorological Society, 130-131.
  • Arritt, R.W., M. Segal and R.T McNider, 1992: Response to transient atmospheric forcing in a coupled ocean-atmosphere boundary layer model. Preprints, Third Symposium on Global Change St udies, American Meteorological Society, 48-51.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1991: A numerical study of sea breeze frontogenesis.Preprints, Fifth Confere nce on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorological Society, 26 -29.
  • Arritt, R.W., 1990: Measurements of boundary-layer modification by a small lake. Preprint s, Fourth Conference on Mesoscale Processes, American Meteorological Society.
  • Arritt, R.W. and G.S. Young, 1990: Elevated stable layers generated by mesoscale boundary-la yer dynamics over complex terrain. Preprints, Fifth Conference on Mountain Meteorology, A merican Meteorological Society, 114-117.

Professional Correspondence

  • Arritt, R.W., 1994: Book review: Environmental Modeling (P. Melli and P. Zannetti, eds.), < I>Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 100-102.
  • Segal, M., R.A. Pielke and R.W. Arritt, 1987: Response to "Spatial switching between fir st-order closure schemes in a numerical mesoscale model''. Monthly Weather Review, 115, 32 00-3201.
  • Pielke, R.A. and R.W. Arritt, 1985: A proposal to standardize models. Bulletin of the Amer ican Meteorological Society, 65, 1082.

Current Research Projects

  • "Study of lake and land breezes over small lakes." Co-Principal Investigator (with M. Segal), National Science Foundation, 5/94-4/97.
  • "Scale interaction mechanisms in Midwest droughts and floods". Co-Principal Invest igator (with M. Segal and T.-C. Chen), National Science Foundation, 9/96 - 8/99.
  • "Evaluation of the effects of land surface processes on convective precipitation using a nonhydrostatic version of the NCEP Eta model". Co-Principal Investigator (with W. Gallus a nd M. Segal), National Science Foundation / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / U.S . Weather Research Program, 6/96 - 5/99.
  • "Regional climate simulations for impacts assessment." Co-Principal Investigator ( with W.J. Gutowski and E.S. Takle), Electric Power Research Institute, $854,509, 12/96-11/98.
  • "Prediction model for evaluating odor transmission from swine units to neighboring resid ence". Co-Principal Investigator (with D.S. Bundy, S.J. Hoff, and A. Dispirito), Iowa Soybe an Promotion Board / Iowa Pork Producers Association / Iowa Corn Promotion Board, 10/95-12/96.
  • "Interactions between land surface processes and the atmosphere and the role of GCM sub- grid heterogeneity." (Graduate Student Fellowship for J. Shen), National Aeronautics and Sp ace Administration, 9/95-8/98.
  • "Numerical model studies of the Martian mesoscale circulations.'' Co-Principal Investiga tor (with M. Segal), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, (current-year allocation), 2/93-4/96.
  • "Studies of summertime forecast problems in the Chicago area.'' Principal Investigator, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, (current-year allocation), 1/96-12/98.
  • "Development of a testing procedure to assess the emergence potential of soybean seed in no-till environments." Co-Principal Investigator (with A.D. Knapp and X.B. Yang), Iowa Soy bean Promotion Board, 7/95-6/98.

Major Field Experiments

  • July 1995: Led "Lake Breeze Experiment" (LABEX) at Lake Okeechobee, Florida. (Uni versity of Wyoming King Air; NCAR Integrated Sounding Systems; surface stations)
  • March 1990: Participated in Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain (ASCOT) field experiment a t Oak Ridge, Tennessee. (Tethered balloon)
  • September 1984: Participated in Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain (ASCOT) field experime nt at Brush Creek, Colorado. (Tethered balloon)

    Courses Taught

    • AGRON 505 (Iowa State University), Biometeorology.
    • AGRON 507x (Iowa State University), Mesoscale Meteorology
    • AGRON 650x (Iowa State University), Agronomic Systems Simulation (co-taught with R. Salvador and R. Horton)
    • MTEOR 605 (Iowa State University), Boundary-Layer Meteorology (co-taught with E. Takle)
    • ATMO 750 (University of Kansas), Numerical Weather Prediction
    • ATMO 650 (University of Kansas), Advanced Synoptic Meteorology
    • ATMO 630 (University of Kansas), Synoptic Meteorology
    • ATMO 605 (University of Kansas), Forecasting Practicum
    • EVSC 350L (University of Virginia), Atmosphere and Weather Laboratory

    Graduate Student Committees

    • *Christopher J. Anderson (M.S., 1996)
    • Fulbert Namwamba (currently enrolled)
    • Zaitao Pan (currently enrolled)
    • Yibin Chen, M.S., 1996
    • * Jinmei Shen (currently enrolled)
    • * Karen F. Orcutt, M.S. 1995
    • *Craig A. Clark, M.S. 1993
    • * Mark J. Mitchell, M.S. 1993
    • * Joseph E. Heim, M.S. 1993
    • Christopher K. Wikle, M.S. 1989
    • Patrick V. Schlager, M.S. 1988
    (* indicates students for whom RWA was major advisor)

    Professional Service

    Editorships and committee service:

    • Associate Editor, Monthly Weather Review
    • Committee on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society
    • Committee on Clouds and Precipitation, American Geophysical Union

    Research proposal reviews:

    • Air Force Office of Sponsored Research
    • Department of Energy
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • National Center for Atmospheric Research
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    • National Science Foundation
    • Basic Research Foundation (Israel)
    • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada)

    Journal reviews:

    • Atmospheric Environment
    • Boundary-Layer Meteorology
    • International Journal of Climatology
    • Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
    • Journal of Applied Meteorology
    • Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
    • Monthly Weather Review
    • Tellus
    • Urban Atmosphere