Ben Walton, CPhT

Meteorology Student Portfolio

Course list

Kirkwood Community College Courses

Fall 2003

BI 110T College Biology I for Majors (4 credits)
CN 110T General Chemistry I (4 credits)
CC 113T Composition I (3 credits)
MT 160T Calculus I (4 credits)
Total: 15 credits

Spring 2004

BI 111T College Biology II for Majors (4 credits)
CN 111T General Chemistry II (4 credits)
CC 114T Composition II (3 credits)
MT 161T Calculus II (4 credits)
Total: 15 credits

Fall 2004

BI 150T Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
EO 130T Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
FO 220T Elementary German I (4 credits)
MT 125T Fund of Statistics (4 credits)
Total: 15 credits

Spring 2005

BI 151T Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
FO 220T Elementary German II (4 credits)
PC 100T General Psychology (3 credits)
CC 130T Fundamentals of Communication (3 credits)
Total: 14 credits

Fall 2005

CN 210T Organic Chemistry I (4.5 credits)
BI 130T Microbiology (4 credits)
Total: 8.5 credits

Fall 2009

HIS 291 History of Science (3 credits)

Spring 2010

HIS 221 Holocaust and Genocide (3 credits)
Total: 6 credits

Iowa State Courses

Fall 2010

Math 265 Calculus III(4 credits)
Phys 221 Classical Physics I (5 credits)
Com S 207 Programming I (3 credits)
Mteor 111 Synoptic Applications (1 credit)
Mteor 112X Learning Community (1 credit)
Mteor 201 Orientation (R credit)
Mteor 206 Introduction to Meteorology (3 credits)
Total: 17 credits

Spring 2011

Math 266 Differential Equations (3 credits)
Econ 102 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
Phys 222 Classical Physics II (5 credits)
Mteor 301 General Meteorology (4 credits)
Total: 15 credits

Fall 2011

Stat 105 Statistics for Engineering (3 credits)
Hist 323 Science and Religion (3 credits)
Mteor 311 Intro to Synoptic Applications (2 credits)
Mteor 341 Atmospheric Physics I (3 credits)
Mteor 406 World Climates (3 credits)
Total: 14 credits

Spring 2012

Engl 309 Report and Proposal Writing (3 credits)
Mteor 342 Atmospheric Physics II (3 credits)
Mteor 407 Mesoscale Meteorology (3 credits)
Mteor 432 Instrumentation and Measurements (3 credits)
Mteor 443 Dynamic Meteorology I (3 credits)
Total: 15 credits

Fall 2012

Relig 210 Religion in America (3 credits)
Mteor 402 Watershed Hydrology (4 credits)
Mteor 411 Synoptic Meteorology (3 credits)
Mteor 454 Dynamic Meteorology II (3 credits)
Mteor 499 Senior Research (2 credits)
Total: 15 credits

Spring 2013

Mteor 324 Energy and the Environment (3 credits)
Mteor 404 Global Change (3 credits)
Mteor 405 Environmental Biophysics (3 credits)
Mteor 417 Mesoscale Forecasting Lab (3 credits)
Total: 12 credits


Transfer Credits: 73.5 credits
Iowa State Credits: 88 credits
300+ Level Credits: 54 credits
Stat 105 counts as 305
400+ Level Credits: 33 credits
Total Credits: 161.5 credits

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