Because we are working with real data and because our observations recorded from the web site are not perfect, we will have some noise in our results. It is best to consider the data you recorded as a collective whole and attempt to discern patterns of behavior that emerge, rather than focus on individual observations. Plots similar to examples I show below will help bring out collective behavior in your data.
Analysis focuses on the questions raised at the beginning of this exercise. You should attempt to answer each of the questions posed, as well as give any further assessment yourself. Construct answers for the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.
Ultimately, you need to submit a report on your work, guided by the questions below. You should pay attention to some pointers for a good report that I have assembled. You might also find this example of a good report to be a useful guide for your analysis and report.
1. How rapidly to wave patterns move?
5. Is there a relationship between zonal wind speed and wave propagation?
Make a plot of wave speed versus U(500 hPa) where both are in [deg/d]. Here is an example. Does Rossby wave theory help us here? (Think about the dispersion relationship we derived for phase speed.) Compute the overall average of the U(500 hPa) you recorded. Is the wave speed larger or smaller than the U(500 hPa) on average? Does this make sense in terms of Rossby wave theory?
Plot wave speed vs. upper atmosphere Uupper. Does a dependence on Uupper appear? Why do you think this is the case?
2. How long does one identifiable pattern last?
3. How rapidly do waves increase or decrease in amplitude?
4. How does zonal wind evolve through the period?
6. Is there a relationship between zonal wind speed and wave growth/decay?
What does Rossby wave theory as produced by our simple barotropic model tell us about the evolution of atmospheric, large-scale waves? Are there approximate agreements between the theory and your observations? What factors might be missing in our simple barotropic model that (potentially) might improve the relationship between theory and observation if they were included?
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