summary (Print
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offline review)
3-11: Sustainable Development
Short Summaries of Recent Research
- Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change
- Create a Better Future
- ICLEI: Local Governments for
- Roadmap for
Sustainability: Weyerhaeuser's 2003 Citizenship and Environment
- Soil
Biota and Biodiversity: the "Root" of Sustainable
Ecological Footprint
Johannesburg Summit
- International
Institute for Sustainable Development.
Sustainable Development Dimensions
Spatial Data in Geographic Information System Format on Agricultural Chemical Use,
Land Use, and Cropping Practices in the United States.
Sustainable Consumption and Production Homepage.
UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Environmental Sustainability Index
Assessing Sustainable Development: Principles in Practice
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
Pacific Institute of Studies in Development, Environment and Security
Sustainable Development Dimensions
Additional References
- Naylor, R., and
Co-authors, 2005: Losing the links between livestock and land. Science,
310, 1621-1622.
- McMichael, A. J., C. D. Butler, and C. Folke, 2003: New
visions for addressing sustainability. Science, 302,
- Williams, M., 2003: Deforesting the Earth - from
Prehistory to Global Crisis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 715
- Mader, P., A. Fliessbach, D. Dubois, L. Gunst, P. Fried, and
U. Niggli, 2002: Soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farming.
Science, 296, 1694-1697.
- Stone, R., 2002: Caspian ecology teeters on
the brink. Science, 295, 430-433.
- Watson, R., and D. Pauly, 2001: Systematic distortions in world
fisheries catch trends. Nature, 414, 534-536
- Pauly, D., V. Christensen, J. Dalsgaard, R.Froese,
and F. Torres, Jr., 1998: Fishing down marine food webs. Science,
279, 860-863