2-2: Climate Models

Figure 1 - Basic equations of climate models. Takle, E.S., 2002

Figure 2 - Land-surface parameterization scheme. NCAR/TN-275 +STR Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) for the NCAR CCM.

Figure 3 - Giss model

Figure 4 - HadCM2 Land-Sea Mask

Figure 5 - High resolution (hypothetical) grid. Cushman and Ferres, Climate Change Quarterly, 77.

Figure 6 - Computational domain for a regional climate model. NCAR/TN - 381 +1A. A user's guide to the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale modelling system.

Figure 7 - Zonal-average mean sea-level pressure. Adapted from Figure 4.1 IPCC, 1990.

Figure 8 - Zonal-average air temperature. Adapted from Figure 4.8 IPCC, 1990.

Figure 9 - Zonal-average precipitation. Adapted from Figure 4.10 IPCC, 1990.

Figure 10 - Zonal-average soil moisture. Adapted from Figure 4.12 IPCC, 1990.

Figure 11 - Zonally-averaged JJA and DJF sea-level pressure simulated by current high resolution GCMs. Adapted from Figure B27 IPCC, 1990.

Figure 12 - The development of climate models, past, present, and future. From IPCC.

Regional grid used for PIRCS study