2-14: Sea-Level Rise

Figure 1 - Causes of relative sea-level change. Earthquest, UCAR.

Figure 2 - Global mean sea-level rise over the last century. IPCC, 1990.

Figure 3 - Variations of some selected glaciers as measured by their length. IPCC, 1990.

Figure 4 - A boulder at the western margin of the Quelccaya Ice Cap in the tropical Andes of Peru in 1978. Chemical & Engineering News, November 27, 1995

Figure 5 - The same boulder in 1995. Chemical & Engineering News, November 27, 1995

Figure 6 - Physical characteristics of glacier ice on earth. Adapted from IPCC, 1990.

Figure 7 - Dependence of ablation and accumulations on annual surface temperature. IPCC, 1990.

Figure 8 - Generalized mass balance field in which the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are projected.

Figure 9 - Overview.

Figure 10 - Antarctic Ice. Earthquest, UCAR.

Figure 11 - Processes affecting the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Figure 12 - Latent heat and, coastal polynya.

Figure 13 - Large scale meridional circulation of the ocean.

Figure 14 - Annual mass balance of Greenland Ice Sheet.

Figure 15 - Predicted sea-level rise according to various IPCC emissions scenarios.

Figure 16 - Temperature scenario used in present estimate of sea-level changes.

Figure 17 - Global sea-level rise for scenarios B, C, and D and for "business-as-usual". IPCC, 1990.

Figure 18 - Major delta areas vulnerable to sea-level rise.

Related Class Images

Glacier Pictures From Ohio State University.



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British Antarctic Survey Press Release 1/95 27 February 1995: One small ice shelf dies, one giant iceberg born

Retreat of some mountain glaciers measured by distance up the valley.