1-5: In English | 1-5: Em Português |
Imágenes de la unidad
Boreal Forest Area as a Source of Carbon Dioxide | |
CO2 Emissions and the "Missing Carbon" Problem. (From UNEP.) | |
Emissions of Methane from Livestock. (From UNEP.) | |
Fuel and the Carbon Cycle. (From UNEP.) | |
Methane Emissions From Rice Cultivation. (From UNEP.) | |
Houghton, J. T., G. J. Jenkins, and J. J. Ephraums, 1990: Climate Change, The IPCC Scientific Assessment. Cambridge University Press. p. 18-23/ |
En promedio, cada hombre, mujer y niño en los Estados Unidos aporta al aire 19,000 kg de dióxido de carbono por ano, debido a uso de combustibles fósiles. Si el dióxido de carbono es removido a una tasa de decrecimiento exponencial dada por:
X(t) = Xo e-t/T
Donde Xo son los 19,000 kg originales, t es el numero de anos después de que
Xo es emitido, y T es 90 anos, entonces que tanto de los 19,000 kg de dióxido de carbono del
introducido a la atmósfera por la quema de combustibles fósiles en 1998 permanecerá en el ano
2000 ? Cuanto permanecerá en el 2050? 2100? 2500?
El Calentamiento global esta aqu y necesitamos hacer algo sobre ello | |
An Elementary Discussion of Ocean Carbon. (From Sea WiFS: Studying Ocean Color From Space). | |
Fact Sheet: Greenhouse Gases and Global Climate Change. | |
Ocean Sequestration of CO2 | |
Sass, R.L. Mitigation of Methane Emissions from Irrigated Rice Agriculture. | |
Why Cement-making Produces Carbon Dioxide. (From UNEP.) | |
Berner, R.A., 1990: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels over Phanerozoic Time. Science, 249, 1382-1386. | |
Birks, J.W., J.G. Calvert, R.E. Sievers, eds, 1992: The Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Its Impact on Global Change: Chemrawn VII Perspectives and Recommendations. The Agency for International Development, 163 pp. | |
Fraser, P. J., et al., 1986: Termites and Global Methane: Another Assessment. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 4, 295-310. | |
Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums, eds, 1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 78-82. | |
Houghton, J. T., L. G. Meira Filho, B. A. Callander N. Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell, 1996: Climate Change 1995.The Science of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 78-82. | |
Johnson, K. A., et al. 1995: Methane Emissions from Cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 73, 2483-2492. | |
Kerr, R., 1994: Methane Increase Put on Pause. Science, 263, 751. | |
Phillips, D.E., A. Wild, and D.S. Lenkinson, 1990: The Soils Contribution to Global Warming. Geographical Magazine, April, 36-38. | |
Post, W.M. T.S. Peng, W.R. Emanuel, S.W. King, V.H. Dale, and D.L. DeAngelis, 1990: The Global Carbon Cycle. American Scientist, 78, 310-326. | |
Seiler W., et al. 1984: Field Studies of Methane Emission From Termite Nests Into the Atmosphere and Measurement of Methane Uptake by Tropical Soils. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 1, 171-186. |
Abrams, Joel: Forests as Carbon Sinks | |
The Biology Department at Whitman College. | |
Global Emissions Inventory Activity-- annual CO2 emissions world map. | |
Glossary: Carbon Dioxide and Climate | |
Long-term agroecosystem experiments | |
Duarte, C. M., and S. Agusti, 1998: The CO2 balance of productive aquatic ecosystems. Science 281, 234-236. | |
Falkowski, P. G., R. T. Barber, and V. Smetacek, 1998: Biogeochemical controls and feedbacks on ocean primary production. Science 281, 200-206. | |
Field, C. B., M. J. Behrenfeld, J. T. Randerson, and P. Falkowski, 1998: Primary production of the biosphere: Integrating terrestrial and oceanic components. Science 281, 237-240. | |
Kling, G. W., et al., 1991: Arctic Lakes and Streams as Gas Conduits to the Atmosphere: Implications for Tundra Carbon Budgets. Science, 251, 298-301. | |
Parson, E. A., and D. W. Keith, 1998: Fossil fuels without CO2 emissions. Science 282, 1053-1054. | |
Rasmussen, P. E., K. W. T. Goulding, J. R. Brown, P. R. Grace, H. H. Janzen, and M. Korschens, 1998: Long-term agroecosystem experiemnts: Assessing agricultural sustainability and global change. Science 282, 893-896. | |
Tans, P. P., and J. W. C. White, 1998: In balance, with a little help from the plants. Science 281, 183-184. |