3-2: Energy Consumption, Conservation, and Future Options

Importance of this Unit to the Course

Economic advancement and enhanced living conditions in industrialized societies have been achieved through increased consumption of energy. But this increased use of energy has been the cause of changes in atmospheric chemistry as discussed in Block 1. And as other nations with very large populations, such as China and India, aspire to economic advancement they will likely contribute proportionally more to future changes in these environmental conditions.


Preparation for Discussion (You must complete this section before class.)

  1. Read the summary information. (Print text for offline review; images only.)
  2. Take the Quiz over the summary information. (see your portfolio)
  3. Review additional reading material (this material is not covered in the quiz, but offers more ideas for online discussion)
    • None

Discussion (online / face-to-face) (See your portfolio for due dates and times)

A major component of the course is participation in the online dialog. The following types of comments are required:

The following may be used as discussion starters for the online dialog:

Additional Reading