Related Class Images
UV shades over swimming pools in Australia (photo by Mary Johnson)
Melanoma/Skin cancer: You Can Recognize the Signs. (From an American Academy of Dermatology
Human health effects due to increase UV radiation resulting from ozone depletion.
(After Jagger, John, 1985: Solar-UV actions on living cells. Praeger Scientific,
Skin cancer continued and eye damage, Ibid.
Calculated UV spectrum of solar energy entering the atmosphere. (After C & E News, Nov. 24,
Dramatic cross-section of normal human skin and normal human
Percentages of cases with carcinoma of the skin, basal cell only, by anatomical site among white
males and females in the US (1977-1978).
Percentages of cases with squamous cell carcinoma of the skin by anatomical site among white
males and females in the US (1977-1978).
Ultraviolet transmittance of eye parts of the human and rabbit.
Annual age adjusted incidence rates (1970 US standard) for basal- and squamous-cell skin
cancer (1977-1978) and all other cancers (1973-1976) by latitude in the
US white population.
Change in biologically damaging UV flux with change in ozone concentration.
(After C & E News, Nov. 24, 1986.)
Diseases likely to spread with global warming.
(Adapted from Science, Feb 17, 1995. 267, p 57.)
What is the UV index? (From the EPA.)
Action steps for sun protection page 1. (From the EPA.)
Action steps for sun protection page 2. (From the EPA.)
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