SiB Model
The SiB model provides a link between these two groups that allows plants to interact with
changing atmospheric conditions, and these atmospheric conditions are determined, in part, by
the role of vegetation in governing evaporation, absorption of solar radiation, interception
of precipitation, etc. SiB allows for two-way interactions between the atmosphere and the
- Radiation absorption
Plants in SiB absorb energy very effectively in the wavelength interval 0.4 to 0.72
microns (the photosynthetically active radiation, or PAR, portion of the solar
Plants in SiB reflect radiation in the near infrared portion of the spectrum.
Bare ground in SiB has a gradual increase in reflection with wavelength from 0.4 to
4.0 microns.
- Biophysical control of evapotranspiration
Stomates ( timy openings in plant leaves) control the interchange of water and CO2 between the atmosphere and the
Vegetation canopies intercept and hold precipitation and dew, which lowers water input
to the soil and enhances evaporation.
- Momentum transfer
Plants create "friction" for the atmospheric flow near the surface. Plants create
turbulent motions that enhance vertical mixing of heat and water vapor near the
- Soil moisture availability
Plants in SiB have roots that determine the amount of water available for
- Insulation
SiB has live plants that shade the surface and protect it from intense solar radiation
and strong evaporation.
PREVIOUS: Development of SVAT Models
NEXT: Atmoshperic Properties Changed by SiB