2-5: Regional Climate Models; Clouds and
Vegetation Effects
Short Summaries of Recent Research
Sources of Model Error in a
Regional Climate Model
- More Flooding in a Drier
Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change
Agriculture Cools the US
Project to Intercompare Regional Climate Simulations.
Additional References
- Jackson, R.B., and Co-Authors, 2005: Trading water for carbon
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- Kerr, R. A., 2005: Changes in the sun may sway the tropical
monsoon. Science, 308, 787.
- Tebaldi, C., R.L. Smith, D. Nychka, and L.O Mearns, 2005: Quantifying uncertainty in
projections of regional climate change: A Bayesian approach to the analysis of mulimodel ensembles. J.
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- Zhang, Yu; W. Chen, S.L. Smith, D.W. Riseborough, J. Cihlar,
2005: Soil temperature in Canada during the twentieth
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- Cooley, H.S.; W.J. Riley, M.S. Torn, Y. He, 2005: Impact of agricultural practice on regional climate in a coupled land surface mesoscale
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- Kerr, R.A., 2004: A few good climate shifters. Science,
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- Pan, Zaitao, 1996: On Surface Versus Atmospheric Forcing in
Regional Climate Simulations. Ph. D. Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
145 pp.
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