Global citizen concerned about the future of our global environment


Welcome to the Global Change course. We hope you will take time to explore the range of issues we cover at our site. Scan the Unit Topics to see the range of topics covered in this course. By going to each unit individually, you will see a variety of resources relating to the unit topic.

Your comments on these materials are valuable to us in assessing how well we are conveying global change information to the general public. Send us an e-mail with any comments on the materials you see at our site.

Take the Course?

If you are interested in taking this course for university credit, please send us an e-mail. We are assessing the interest in taking this course asynchronously . We have experimented with administering examinations over the Internet and managing other assignments remotely for a very limited number of students.

Again, thank you for visiting our site. We hope your visit was pleasant and that you accomplished your purpose for stopping by.

Go to course homepage.

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