Class images
Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico | |
Global Nitrogen Overload | |
Nitrogen balance in the soil | |
Houghton, J. T., G. J. Jenkins, and J. J. Ephraums, 1990: Climate Change, The IPCC Scientific Assessment. Cambridge University Press. p 25-30. |
Nitrous Oxide is a very stable gas which has a fairly constant concentration throughout the atmosphere. NOX and Sulfur Dioxide have relatively short half-lives and pose problems in localized areas only. Biogeochemical processes are very complicated reactions and cycles between all components of the atmosphere. This makes it difficult to gage the severity and outcomes of global atmospheric problems. However, there´s yet an ethical question of industrialized nations´ emissions creating global problems that all nations must deal with.
Apel, William A. et al, 1995: Removal of nitrogen
oxides from gas streams using biofilteration.
Journal of Hazardous Materials. 41,315-326. | |
Bremner, J. M., et al., 1981: Effect of nitropyrin
on emission of nitrous oxide from soil fertilized with anhydrous ammonia.
Geophysical Research Letters, 8(4), 353-356. | |
Carlsson, Andre S., et al., 1994:
Effects of moderately enhanced levels of ozone on the acyl
lipid composition of leaves of garden pea.
Physiologia Plantarum, 91, 754-762. | |
Charlson, R. J. et al., 1987: Oceanic phytoplankton,
atmospheric sulphur, cloud albedo and climate.
Nature, 326, 665-661. | |
Cofer, W. R., 1991: New estimates of nitrous oxide emissions from biomass burning.
Nature, 349, 689-691. | |
Eckey-Kaltenbach, et al., 1994: Biochemical plant responses
to ozone. Plant Physiology, 104, 67-74. | |
Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums
eds, 1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on
Climate Change, Cambridge University Press. | |
Houghton, J. T., L. G. Meira Filho, B. A.
Callander N. Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell, 1996:
Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change.
Cambridge University Press, 86-91. | |
Keller, M., et al., 1986:
Emissions of N2O, CH4, and CO2 from tropical soils.
Journal of Geophysical Research,
91(11), 791-802. | |
Naiman, Robert J., Gilles Pinay, Carol A. Johnson,
and John Pastor, 1994: Beaver influences on the long-term
biogeochemical characteristics of boreal forest drainage networks.
Ecology, 75, 905-921. | |
Wigley, T.M.L., 1989:
Possible climate change due to SO2
-derived cloud condensation nuclei.
Nature, 339, 365-367. | |
Woodbury, P. B., et al., 1994: Chronic ozone exposure alters the growth of leaves, stems, and roots of hybrid Populus. Environmental Pollution, 85, 103-108. | |
Vaclav, Smil, 1997: Global population and the nitrogen cycle. Scientific American, July, 76-81. |
Malakoff, David,
1998: Death by suffocation in the Gulf of Mexico. Science 281,
190-192. | |
Falkowski, P. G.,
R. T. Barber, and V. Smetacek, 1998: Biogeochemical controls and feedbacks on
ocean primary production. Science 281, 200-206. | |
Jickells, T. D.,
1998: Nutrient biogeochemistry of the coastal zone. Science
281, 217-222. | |
Global Emissions Inventory Activity-- annual N2O emissions
world map. | |
Sulfur Pollution from Natural Sources. --Full text paper from NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratories. |