Class images
From MacKenzie, F. T. and MacKenzie, J.A., 1993: The Question of Sustainability. Our Changing Planet, Prentice Hall. | |
How researchers assess the implications of climate change for agriculture. (From UNEP.) | |
The impact of climate change on agriculture. (From UNEP.) | |
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food Supply. 1995: Rosenzweig and Hillel. | |
Sustainable Agriculture. (From the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, University of California-Davis.) | |
What is sustainable agriculture? |
CIESIN Thematic Guide: Impacts of Global Climate Change on Agriculture. | |
Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico | |
Global Nitrogen Overload | |
Internet Dialog on International Food Security Issues. | |
Methane emissions from the disposal of livestock waste. (From UNEP.) | |
Positive Effects of Global Change for Agriculture | |
Reducing methane emissions from livestock farming. (From UNEP.) | |
Spatial Data in Geographic Information System Format on Agricultural Chemical Use, Land Use, and Cropping Practices in the United States. | |
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, University of California-Davis | |
Vegetation Applications- Agriculture, Forestry and Ecology (From the Applied Information Sciences Branch, NASA) | |
Mackay, D. M., Smith, L. A. 1990: Agricultural Chemicals in Groundwater: Monitoring and Management in California. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 89, 253-255. | |
Parry, M.L., T.R. Carter, and N.T. Konjin, eds, 1988: The Impact of Climatic Variations on Agriculture: Volume 1: Assessments in Cool Temperate and Cold Regions, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 876 pp. | |
Pimentel, et al, 1995: Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits, Science, 267, 1111-1237. |
Malakoff, David,
1998: Death by suffocation in the Gulf of Mexico. Science 281,
190-192. | |
Economic importance of agricluture, technical atlas, WFS. (To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html). | |
Food import dependency, 1988-1990, technical atlas, WFS. | |
Food production growth, technical atlas, WFS. | |
Food production growth per person, technical atlas, WFS. | |
Global Environmental Change and Agriculture: Assessing the Impacts (Note: This link is currently being updated...) | |
Growth in cereal yields, 1963-65 to 1993-95, technical atlas, WFS. | |
Irrigated land, technical atlas, WFS. | |
Kaiser, H.M., Drennen, T.E. eds, 1993: Agricultural Dimensions of Global Climate Change, St. Lucie Press, 311 pp. |