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Current planet population: Updated every 30 seconds. | |
Fertility, mortality, and population growth rates. | |
Haub, Carl, Global and US National Population Trends. | |
Will there be growing numbers of environmental migrants? (From UNEP.) |
Bongaarts, John, 1994: Population Policy Options in the Developing World. Science, 263, 771-776. (Includes references.) | |
Essay on Being Unique | |
Population Policy: Consensus and Challenges. | |
Cohen, Joel E., 1995: Population Growth and Earth's Human Carrying Capacity. Science 269, 341-346. | |
Dietz, Thomas, and Eugene A. Rosa., 1994: Rethinking the Environmental Impacts of Population, Affluence and Technology. Human Ecology Review 1, Summer/Autumn, 277-300. |
The Demographic and Population Studies - WWW Virtual Library. Provided by the Australian National University. | |
Fourth World Women's Conference, Beijing, April 1995. | |
List of other servers providing information on global change. | |
Population Growth, technical atlas, WFS. (To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html). | |
Population, rate of increase, birth and death rates, surface area and density for the world, macro regions and regions. | |
Refugees, technical atlas, WFS. | |
Rural and urban populations, technical atlas, WFS. | |
World Population Growth from year 0 to Stabilization. | |
World Population Growth Simulation. | |
1994 UN Population and Development Conference (Cairo). |