2-3: Climate Model Results - Equilibrium Models

Summary of results from global mixed-layer ocean-atmosphere models used in 2 x CO2 experiments. Adapted from Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins,J.J. Ephraums, eds, 1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change,Cambridge University Press, Table 3.2(a).

Summary of resultsfrom new equilibrium simulations for double CO2 with atmospheric GCM swith a seasonal cycle and a mixed-layer ocean. Houghton, J.T., G.J. Jenkins,J.J. Ephraums, eds, 1990: 1990 Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change,Cambridge University Press, Table B2.

Change in surface air temperature for DJF: CCC and GFHI models. 1992 IPCC Supplement, Figure 5.4

Change in surface air temperature for JJA: CCC and GFHI models. 1992 IPCC Supplement, (Figure 5.4 continued).

Change in precipitation for DJF: CCC and GFHI models. 1992 IPCC Supplement, Figure 5.6

Change in precipitation for JJA: CCC and GFHI models. 1992 IPCC Supplement, (Figure 5.6 continued).

Change in soil moisture for DJF: CCC and GFHI models. 1992 IPCC Supplement, Figure 5.8

Change in soil moisture for JJA: CCC and GFHI models. 1992 IPCC Supplement, (Figure 5.8 continued).

January observed climate vs. GISS, GFDL, and OSU models. Data from Climate Models: The CO2 Warming. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

July observed climate vs GISS, GFDL, and OSU models. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

Januray temperature: 2 x CO2 vs. 1 x CO2. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

July temperature: 2 x CO2 vs 1 x CO2. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

Januray temperature: 2 x CO2 vs. 1 x CO2. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

July temperature: 2 x CO2 vs 1 x CO2. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

Surface air temperature normals and air temperature computed for a double CO2 climate. Takle and Zhong, 1992: J. Ia Acad. Sci, 98, 153-158.

Monthly mean temperatures observed and projected by the GISS model. Data corrected for model bias. Takle and Zhong, 1992: J. Ia Acad. Sci, 98, 153-158.

Monthly mean number of heating degree days observed and projected by the GISS model. Data corrected for model bias. Takle and Zhong, 1992: J. Ia Acad. Sci, 98, 153-158.

Monthly mean number of cooling degree days observed and projected by the GISS model. Data corrected for model bias. Takle and Zhong, 1992: J. Ia Acad. Sci, 98, 153-158.

Annual precipitation for 1 x CO2 vs. climate. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

Annual precipitation for 2 x CO2 vs. climate. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

Summer precipitation 2 x CO2 vs. 1 x CO2. Roy Jenne, NCAR.

Precipitation normals and precipitation computed for a double CO2 climate. Takle and Zhong, 1992: J. Ia Acad. Sci, 98, 153-158.

Model grid points for the Canadian Climate Centre GCM, with six US Midwest grid points numbered in the inset. Takle and Bian, 1993: 21st Conf on Appl. Clim., 32-37

Model results for daily maximum temperatures for simulations of the present climate. Takle and Mearns in Preparing for Climate Change: A Midwestern Perspective, ed. by Carmichael et al.

Model results for daily minimum temperatures for simulations of the present climate. Takle and Mearns in Preparing for Climate Change: A Midwestern Perspective, ed. by Carmichael et al.

Results of analysis of daily maximum temperatures form 10 Julys for the model grid point in Iowa as simulated by the CCC model. Takle and Mearns in Preparing for Climate Change: A Midwestern Perspective, ed. by Carmichael et al.

Model results for daily maximum temperatures for simulations of the 2 x CO2 climate. Takle and Mearns in Preparing for Climate Change: A Midwestern Perspective, ed. by Carmichael et al.

Model results for daily minimum temperatures for simulations of the 2 x CO2 climate. Takle and Mearns in Preparing for Climate Change: A Midwestern Perspective, ed. by Carmichael et al.