Previous Messages of the Day

27 April 1998

Class will not meet at 11:00 Monday April 27. The reading assignment (and basis for the quiz, which will be available soon) from the web is as follows:
  1. Ciesin Thematic Guide: Land Degradation and Desertification
  2. Prehistoric Farming Devastating Soil Erosion
  3. Archeology: Lesson of Future Soil Use
All are available in full on the web under Unit 3-10 Land Use. Numbers 2 and 3 are accessible from 1.

Note: The quiz for unit 3-9 is mistitled. The quiz should read "China" instead of "Environment." My apologies for the error.

The grading for dialog in blocks 2 and 3 is now working. I have graded your essays and ethical questions for block 2. There will be some changes for the block 3 final self-assessment essay. I will post those changes by 4 PM today.

There are several opportunities for summer internships. Check the previous "Messages of the Day."

27 February 1998


20 February 1998

Summer Opportunities

OUR Earth - Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in Earth System Science

Deadline -- MARCH 15, 1998.

This summer, the Washington Space Grant Consortium will launch OUR Earth at the University of Washington. This eight-week interdisciplinary program will bring talented students from around the country to Seattle to engage in cutting-edge research dedicated to understanding earth systems.

Participating students receive room, board, and tuition on the University of Washington campus and a $2,000 stipend. Juniors, seniors or community college students who have completed two years of course work are eligible.

The deadline for applications is MARCH 15, 1998.

If you would like more information about the program, please contact Mary Edmunds at or call (206) 543-1943 or toll-free at (800) 659-1943. You may also visit the OUR Earth Web site at *Sponsored by NASA's Office of Earth Science, the Washington Space Grant Consortium, and the Boeing Company.


June 1 - August 7, 1998

Biosphere 2 Center of Columbia University has received funding from NASA's Mission to Planet Earth Education Program to support 10 undergraduate students during summer 1998. Biosphere 2 is a three-acre, enclosed ecological laboratory for studying the future of planet Earth. It is the only facililty of its kind, and includes a rainforest, ocean, savannah, desert and agriculture/forestry area. This internship program offers undergraduates the chance to do research inside the Biosphere 2 facility, as well as at near-by field sites in the Sonoran Desert and Gulf of California. Informal seminars and discussion will emphasize the theme of Earth Systems Science. The program is open to students who have completed their sophomore year in college or who are near completion of a two year community college degree. Applicants should have an interest in pursuing a career in the broad area of Earth Systems, including its human components. Minorities, women and students with limited research opportunities at their home institutions are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

The award of these internships is contingent on the continuation of funding from NASA's Mission to Planet Earth Education Program. Confirmation of funding will not occur until later this spring, however, we are now accepting applications through April 1.


The stipend is $2500 for a ten week period. Interns are expected to be in residence for the full ten weeks of the program. In addition, the student will receive free housing at Biosphere 2 Center in Oracle, Arizona. Students who are traveling to Biosphere 2 from further than 200 miles away will be reimbursed for travel costs up to $400. Air travel will be reimbursed based on 21-day advance purchase coach fare.


Applications must be received by April 1, 1998. Notification of awards will be made by May 1. We intend to select 10 interns and 2 alternates. Further information and application form are available online at To apply, send the application along with the following material:

Wednesday 11 February 1998

I have received a request to hold a help session on using HTML for posting dialog and assignment materials for the course. I will make a decision as to the time and place, as soon as I have received additional requests. If you would like to attend the session, please send me an email ( by Wednesday 18 February 1998.

The due date for all quizzes in Block 1 is Monday 16 February at 11:00 AM. Make sure you have complete them all by the due date. Currently we do not have quizzes for Units 1-13, 1-14 or 1-15. Watch this space for updates.

9 February 1998

First Paper is Due Today!. You need to submit you paper (with reference(s)) on Atmospheric Chemistry by midnight tonight.

Several of you have asked whether you can make multiple postings on an assignment. The answer is "yes." For instance, if you forgot to include you references in submitting you paper topic, you can simply re-submit the references.

A note on quizzes...

  • Quiz for last Friday's unit on Global Hydrologic Cycle is now available.
  • The due date for all quizzes in Block 1 is Monday 16 February at 11:00 AM. Make sure you have complete them all by the due date. Watch this space for information regarding the due dates for Block 2. The due date for most quizzes in Block 2 will be the day of the class!

    2 February 1998

    Information regarding the "Points Earned" section:

    Make sure you post class discussion summaries using the "Class Discussion Summary" assignment page.

    26 January 1998

    You may have noticed a "Problem to Ponder" section in each of the learning unit home pages. You are encouraged to consider the ponderable for starting discussion (in class and/or electronically). If the ponderable is a question or calculation, you can enter an answer or extend the issue if someone has already reported the answer to a calculation.

    The "Points Earned" section is almost ready. We should have something working this week.

    It is very important that you completely quit your WWW browser at the end of each session. Otherwise, the next user will have your password stored in memory cache and can access your portfolio.

    20 January 1998

    I have added a new feature to your "Discussion on unit topics" posting page for Block 1. If you access any of the unit topics, you will notice a table with links to dialog from previous courses. Simply choose the year and topic to read the dialog.

    It is important that you utilize the "Discussion on unit topics" feature. This platform provides you with an opportunity to extend class discussion; asking questions and contributing material that will foster learning. Also note that "Discussion on unit topics" is a graded assignment.

    Make sure you have read the learning unit and taken the quiz on Atmospheric Structure and Circulation. You are responsible for the material.

    Many of you have already noticed that you can take a quiz multiple times. We are recording the first score you received (and the date), the best score you received, and the number of tries to get the best score. It is important that you try and get the best score on the first try. However, during block 1 you are not penalized for multiple attempts. This feature may change in blocks 2 and 3.

    16 January 1998

    Alison Haase has posted general dialog for both "overview" and "evolution" topics. I encourage you to read and respond to her posting and/or post your own document. The general discussion section of your portfolio is designed to extend class discussion via an electronic format. If you have not read the requirements for the discussion, make sure you do so. The requirements are accessible by choosing any topic and clicking on the "Access posting form" button.

    In addition, the first quiz on the overview unit is now available. You should take it, the quiz on evolution (Block1_2evolution), and the quiz on atmospheric structure and circulation (Block1_3atmospheric) by the weekend. This will keep you on schedule.

    The learning unit, Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere, is still not available. However, the overheads (plus extras) are available on the unit home page, which is accessible from the course schedule.

    Note the "Class Preparation" section below. This is now a permanent part of your portfolio.

    When you see this symbol, , it means the link or page is under construction and may not be active or complete.

    13 January 1998

    For students enrolled in 404L, there will be no lab on Thursday.

    I am pleased to see that many of you have been successful in registering for your portfolios. In addition, many of you have already posted your biographies. Great!

    There have been some questions regarding the availability of the first quiz. The first quiz will be available by early next week. I apologize for any inconvenience. We will post the remaining block 1 quizzes during the next couple of weeks. Currently, the quiz on the second unit topic "Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere" is now available.

    Many of you noticed in preparing to take the quiz on "Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere" (titled, "Block1_2evolution" in the portfolio below) that the learning unit is not available. Drs. Takle and Seagrave are presently refining the text. When they have passed it along to me, I will make it immediately available. Watch this space for an announcement that the material is ready. In any case, you may still take the quiz after Wednesday's lecture.

    12 January 1998

    Welcome to your portfolio for the Spring 1998 Global Change Course! The information in this section will be periodically updated. In this section you might find latest news releases, announcements for upcoming global change related events on campus, answers to frequently asked questions, and more. Anytime you have questions, click on the "HELP" button in the menu-bar below. If you don't find an answer, feel free to email me at Keep in mind that this year's portfolio is only version 2. We have made many updates, but expect there to be problems. The only way we can solve problems and prevent their re-occurrence is for you to inform me by email.