Submission of a paper relating your discipline to global change

For this paper, you need not review information from the scientific literature. You are not required to have references or bibliography. Your paper must show senior-level thinking and show how material covered in this course relates to your discipline.

Note: In most cases you can paste a word-processed document directly into the electronic dialog. For additional information, read the instruction page on how to post a word-processed document into the electronic dialog.

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Section 1: Spring 1995
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Section 2:Spring 1996
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To make entries use the form below. Realize that your entry will be seen by many people. Posts should be relevant to the subject and as clear and precise as possible.


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NOTE: All blanks must have an entry. If you do not have anything to put in a particular entry blank, place NA in it.

Document Title
First Name
Last Name
Email address


    (Make sure you hard return at the right edge of the window.)

    Click to submit your entry.
    Click to clear your message and start over.

    Click here if you wish to abandon your message and return to the GCP home page.