Student Papers from Spring 1996
Atmospheric Chemistry
Anggrainy, Grace.
Acid deposition on natural ecosystems. (Aquatic, Terrestrial Ecosystems and Bird
Brockberg, Greg. Termites as a Source of Atmospheric Methane.
Huff, Kara. The Effects of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide on the Ozone Layer.
Ray, Nicolas. Summary of: Measurement of Gaseous Hydrogen Peroxide
(H2O2) Concentrations in the Urban Atmosphere.
Climate Modeling or Climate Change
Anggrainy, Grace. Greenhouse Gas-Induced Warming and Future Sea-Level Change:
"The Summary of The Causes of Climate Change Studies."
Brockberg, Greg. Cloud Cover and Climate Sensitivity: Positive or Negative
Frantzen, Sandra,. Adelie Penguins: Antarctic climatic indicators.
Huff, Kara. The Effect of the Ozone Layer on the Greenhouse Effect.
McDermott, Sean. Cloud-Radiative Forcing and Climate: Results from the Earth
Radiation Budget Experiment.
Ray, Nicolas. Summary of: Thermal expansion of the ocean over the last hundred years.
Rockwell, Lucas. A Review of Modeling Ocean Circulation From.
Schilling, Christian. The effect of changes in the Hadley circulation on the
extratropical weather using the GEOS-1 GCM.
Shulte, Jeff. Global Warming: The Effect on Rainfall.
Sorensen, Diana. The Effects of Global Warming on Hurricanes.
Water Resources/Hydrologic Cycle
Anggrainy, Grace. The pursuit in solving the water resources problem.
McDermott, Sean. Response of the Tropical Water Cycle to Sea Surface Warming.
Ray, Nicolas. Runoff and sediment yield under grazing in foothills fescue grasslands
of Alberta.
Relationship of Global Change to Your Discipline