Grading of Online Discussion
Analysis of Electronic Dialog and grading of discussion for each student is based on the following elements:
Total number of entries by made by the student
Total number of responses the student makes to other student comments
Total number of responses the student receives from other students
Quality of the comments
For each Block, the requirements for full credit for the discussion are:
submit at least 6 entries, at least 5 of which qualify as knowledge-building.
respond to at least 3 other students' comments (these are counted as part of the required 6 entries)
elicit at least 3 comments from other students
submit at least one social comment (counted as part of the required 6 entries)
provide high quality comments.
For each block, a maximum of 59 points will be awarded for discussion as follows:
2 points for each entry for maximum of 12 points
3 points for each knowledge-building response to another student for maximum of 9 (note that these entries also count toward the minimum of 6 entries)
2 points for having at least one social comment (this entry also counts toward the minimum of 6 entries)
3 points for each response received from another student for maximum of 9
27 points for overall quality of entries
Note that comments characterized as not contributing to the knowledge-building process will not count in item B. In short, you need to supply 5 knowledge-building comments and at least one social comment per block.
Evaluation of the quality component online dialog (27 points) for Blocks 1 and 2 will explain reasons for less-than-expected performance with challenges to be met in future blocks. Grading of online dialog is done before I read your self assessment. Then I compare my assessment with your assessment of your performance and my recommendations for improvement with those you have identified. Failing to follow up on repairing your own acknowledged shortcomings will be justification for lowering your grade.
Evaluation of the quality component for Block 3 will be very terse and may consist of only a numerical score, since my expectations will be well articulated in Blocks 1 and 2.
In evaluating the quality component in all blocks, attention will be given to the timing of posts. Regular posts assure timely responses to other students' postings, allow time for response to your post, and generally contribute to the learning environment. All posts are time stamped, and failure to post comments regularly during the block (i.e., waiting until the end of the block to make all posts) undermines the value of ongoing dialog and will lead to reduction of the grade for quality of your dialog.
To be an effective contributor to the dialog, you should be participating throughout the block and not just near the deadline for submitting online discussion. Therefore, quality of comments for students who enter the majority of their comments near the very end may be graded lower.
Cutting and pasting sentences or paragraphs, without attribution, from a website or other source you did not create is plagiarism and will be penalized severely. Even if you give the reference, you should summarize the content in your own words. If you are quoting another person, put the exact words in quotes and give a complete citation.
Through this course we hope you will reflect over how you personally acquire knowledge and understanding of an issue. To help in that goal, you might find it interesting to explore the Seven Intelligences