

The course is divided into three blocks. For each block:

Students registered for 404:

AssignmentValue each blockSub-total
Learning unit quizzes3/unit129
Internet discussion on unit topics59177
Self assessment of discussion on unit topics1030
Internet discussion of ethical issues1030
Final exam100
Total for the course 466

Students registered for 504:

Grading will be same as for 404 except a research paper will be submitted at the end of the semester.

AssignmentValue each blockSub-total
Learning unit quizzes3/unit129
Internet discussion on unit topics 59177
Self assessment of discussion on unit topic1030
Research Paper*200
Web discussion of ethical issues1030
Final exam100
Total for the course666

Information regarding performance standards on the above requirements is outlined in your portfolio.

Final Examination

A final examination will be administered for both on-campus students and distance education students. It will be a 2-hour exam covering material from the entire semester. Sample examinations are provided at Sample Exams. You will note that each unit has a link to exam questions from the past relating to that particular unit. See for example Carbon Sample Exams. Also see final exam preparation information at Sample Final Exam.

Two different exams will be administered depending on whether you are enrolled as an on-campus student (404 or 504) or distance education student (404XW or 504XW). Undergraduate students and graduate students will take the same exam in each category (i.e., 404 students take the same exam as 504 students and 404XW students take the same exam as 504XW students). The two exams will be normalized by the instructor to be approximately the same level of difficulty. Both final examinations will consist mostly of short-answer questions.

On-campus students:
The final examination for on-campus students will be administered in the class meeting room at the time designated by the Registrar for this course. When this date/time is announce it will be posted on the website as the last unit in Block 3 on the Unit Topics page (Unit Topics). Approximately 25% of the final exam will come from in-class presentations. For this exam, no notes, books, or websites will be available during the examination period.

Distance education students:
Students taking the course at-a-distance will take a final examination different from that taken by on-campus students. The distance education exam will be made available electronically at the time the on-campus exam is administered, but a period of a day or two will be allowed for response. Material unique to in-class presentations will not be covered on the distance-education exam. Instead, other topics may be explored in more depth. Notes, books, and websites will be allowed as references for the distance-education exam.

Syllabus | Class Meetings | Distance Ed Students | Grading | Quizzes | Electronic Dialog
Dialog Quality | Netiquette for eLearners | Discussion Grading | Building Knowledge
Building Community | Ethical Questions | Self Assessment | 504 Research Paper
Academic Integrity | Reference | Print Format