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1-12: Global Energy Balance
Short Summaries of Recent Research
A Positive Feedback in the Arctic
- Aerosol Contribution to Energy Balance
- Changes in Arctic Ice Measured by Satellite
- Global Warming More Easily Detected by Downward
Longwave Radiation
- Heat
Accumulating in the Pacific Ocean
- Amazon Fires Cause Changes in Cloud
Droplet Formation and Stratospheric Water and Particulate
- El Niño Responses to Volcanoes
Droughts Increase Dust in the Caribbean
- Solar Variations as a Source
of Climate Change
- Improving Representation
of Clouds in Climate Models
- Biomass
Burning Contributes to Stratospheric Sulfate Particles
Volcanoes Reduce Atmospheric CO2
- Soot Leads
to both Warming and Cooling of Regional Climate
Impact of Aerosol on the Hydrological Cycle
Cool It!
Observations of a "Weekend Effect" in Diurnal
Temperature Range
- Current Greenhouse Gas
- Clouds
Caused by Aircraft Exhaust May Warm the U.S. Climate
- Volcanic
Sulfur Aerosols Affect Global Climate and the Earth's Ozone
- Introduction
to the Global Climate System
Soot climate
forcing via snow and ice albedos
- Goodbye
- The
Greenhouse Effect
- The Main
Greenhouse Gases
- The
Cooling Factors
Lean, Judith, and David Rind, 1996: The Sun and Climate. Consequences,
2(1), 26-36.
The very latest SOHO images
Additional References
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