1-11: Global Hydrological Cycle | 1-11: En Español | 1-11: Em Português |
The thin spherical shell of thickness about 10 km at the surface of Planet Earth is unique in the
universe because it has abundant amounts of water substance in all three phases: solid, liquid and vapor.
Water substance has played a critical role in the evolution of the earths atmosphere and surface
environment, including the development of
biological organisms.
The importance of water, particularly fresh water (as opposed to saline ocean water), in human activities cannot be overstated. Freshwater scarcity already is taking its toll on the African continent and likely will be a limiting factor in future sustainable economic development. Present full commitments of river and lake water for human consumption coupled with water shortages in many regions and expanding future water needs for industrialization, agriculture, and a growing population will put new strains on water supplies. The Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in a recent visit to Iowa State University warned that water use by humans could well be a source of significant social unrest even wars in the 21st century.
Characteristics of Water
Phase diagram
Water substance exists in all three phases in abundant quantities in the range of temperatures occurring near the earth's surface. The accompanying phase diagram (Figure 1) for water substance gives the set of pressures, temperatures, and volumes that define the conditions separating solid from liquid, solid from vapor, and liquid from vapor. The relation between pressure (es) and temperature (T) of Figure 2 can be used to explain many commonly observed features of water substance. The convergence point of the three lines on this graph gives the triple point of water (T = 273.1675 K or 0.0075 ° C and es = 611.21 Pa or 6.1121 mb) at which vapor, solid, and liquid all exist in equilibrium. The critical temperature for H2O of 647 K (compared, for instance, to 126 K for nitrogen) is quite high compared to earth surface temperatures and allows for abundant water and ice on earth. The negative slope of the line separating the solid and liquid phases in the plot of pressure vs. temperature means that raising the pressure on ice at constant temperature will cause it to melt. This is the reason that glaciers can slip down a mountain: high pressure from the glacier at the earths surface melts a thin layer that reduces friction and allows downward movement. Also, volume increases as water goes isothermally from liquid to solid. This means that ice is less dense than water, explaining the why ice floats on water rather than sinking to the bottom. This seemingly insignificant fact has a profound influence on the behavior of water bodies in cold climates. What would happen in a Minnesota lake if ice formed at the surface and sank to the bottom?
When substances change phase there usually is a release or absorption of energy (known as latent heat) in the process. Latent heats for the phase changes of water have the following values:
Latent heat of condensation (vapor to liquid, L32) or vaporization (liquid to vapor, L23):
L32 = L23 = 2.500 x 106 J kg 1 at 0°C
= 2.25 x 106 J kg 1 at 100°C
Latent heat of fusion (liquid to solid , L21) or melting (solid to liquid, L12):
L21 = L12 = 3.34 x 105 J kg 1 0°C
Latent heat of deposition (vapor to solid, L31) or sublimation (solid to vapor, L13):
L31 = L13 = 2.834 x 106 J kg 1 at 0°C
Latents heats are needed to calculate the equilibrium (saturation) pressures shown in the previous figure, as is the specific gas constant for water vapor, Rv = 4.61 J/(K kg).
Water vapor as a greenhouse gas
Water vapor belongs to a class of gases whose molecular structure (Figure 3) is such that it absorbs infrared radiation emitted by the earth. Details of this topic are covered in the unit on the Global Energy Balance. Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas, and its global abundance in the atmosphere is considered to be constant. However, the prospect of global warming raises the possibility that water vapor amounts in the atmosphere might increase, thereby further accelerating the global warming (this is called positive feedback, and will be discussed in the unit on Climate Models.
Coupling to the Global Energy Cycle
From the fact that energy is required to cause liquid water to change to a vapor, it is readily
apparent that any consideration of global changes in water substance will become entangled with
considerations of the global energy budget (Figure 4) of the earth. For example,
a major portion of the intense solar radiation received by the earth in the tropics is used to evaporate
water, using about 2.4 x 106 J for each kg of water evaporated. This kg of water (1 liter,
or approximately 1 quart) may move toward the mid-latitudes and be re-condensed to liquid in a cloud
over California, for instance. During the condensation process, the 2.4 x
106 J/kg is released
as sensible heat, so the net effect is that the water vapor has served as a vehicle for moving heat from
the point of evaporation to the point of condensation. To provide an appreciation for the magnitude of
energy carried as latent heat by this one kg of water, 2.4 x 106 J of heat energy is
equivalent to the kinetic energy of a 1,000 kg object moving at 71 m/s (e.g., a 2,200 lb automobile
moving at 158 miles per hour!) or the potential energy that would have to be supplied to raise this
1,000 kg object a vertical distance of 24.5 m (e.g., raising an automobile from the ground to the top
of an 8 story building!).
Importance of Water for Global Processes
In addition to its critical role for human consumption, water also is a key element in many natural
functions of the planet. For instance, a map of global vegetation patterns correlates very strongly
with global land precipitation patterns: rainfall is a strong regulator of vegetation. As we have seen
in the unit on Ocean Structure and
Circulation, fresh water has a lower density than salt water of the
same temperature. Fresh water from precipitation
or snow/ice melt may ride on top of more salty water and thereby influence the vertical mixing in oceans
and also global ocean circulation patterns.
Water in the form of hydropower also is a source of renewable energy as a byproduct of evaporation of sea and lake water and subsequent precipitation at high altitudes producing stream and river flow. Another critical aspect of water is its role as a medium for ecosystem functioning. Many chemical, physical, and biological processes take place in water bodies or in the presence of water in soil. These provide critical transformations that allow diversity of ecological systems.
Components of the Global Hydrological Cycle
The hydrological cycle consists of a collection of reservoirs (each having a particular mass of
water substance) and movement (fluxes, measured in units of mass or volume per unit time) of water
substance between these reservoirs. The following are reservoirs of the global hydrological cycle:
Precipitation over land is larger than evaporation, meaning that considerable water evaporated over oceans eventually falls on land and returns to the ocean by way of runoff through rivers.
By dividing the reservoir volume by its loss rate, we get an estimate of the residence time or timescale of H2O in each reservoir. Figure 8 describes the largest reservoirs and the typical residence times, which range from thousands of years for oceans to about a week for the biosphere.
*Figure 6a is theb0481, from the The Ship Collection of the NOAA Photo Library.
Role of the Global
Hydrological Cycle
1. Global Oceans
Global oceans participate in the global energy balance by transporting heat energy, which is preferentially received in the tropics by solar radiation, toward the polar regions. Over half of the solar energy reaching the earth is first absorbed by oceans and then transmitted to other regions. Global oceans take excess CO2 from the atmosphere at a rate that depends on ocean temperature. The partial pressure of CO2 in cold water is depressed by enhanced solubility and (in the spring bloom) phytoplankton growth (Figure 9), making cold water a sink for atmospheric CO2 . Global oceans are rich media for biological growth and contribute substantially to the global carbon cycle as was presented in the unit on the Carbon Cycle.These surface water biological processes support a full spectrum of the food chain from phytoplankton to whales. Global oceans play a significant role in determining where and how much water vapor enters the atmosphere, which in turn influences the global energy balance. The massiveness of the global oceans also introduces a thermal inertia into the climate system: ocean processes are slow in comparison to atmospheric processes, so changes in ocean structure can introduce slow changes of climate. This fact has become more evident to us in recent years as we have come to understand the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (Climate Variability) which we now know causes perturbations of weather in certain regions for several successive months.
2. Ice Masses
Ice masses offer storage of H2O (Figure 10 ) on time scales ranging from a few months for continental seasonal snow pack to thousands of years for the Antarctic ice mass. They all contribute to the albedo (reflectivity) of solar radiation. In the 1970s when the prospect of global cooling was being studied, calculations were made of how much warming would be introduced by spreading carbon black on polar ice masses.
The Antarctic continent, because of its circularly symmetrical shape, high elevation, and extreme
cold temperatures, leads to the formation of stationary and persistent
stratospheric clouds that supply the
conditions for ozone depletion. Like the global ocean, the Antarctic ice mass introduces thermal inertia
into the climate system.The Antarctic ice sheet is a massive expanse of permanent ice whose high reflectance causes this
region of the planet to lose more radiant energy through infrared radiation than it gains through
illumination by the sun. This excess loss is made up by energy continually being supplied to the
Antarctic region from lower latitudes by the atmosphere and ocean. Ice forms at high elevation on the
Antarctic continent and slides downslope to the sea to create large floating icebergs that drift away
from the polar ice mass. The ocean surface area covered by these icebergs reduces the amount of open
ocean and reduces total evaporation and loss of heat energy from polar regions. This important fact
only recently is being included in global climate models.
The Greenland ice sheet (Figure 12) is far less
massive than the Antarctic ice field and is not nearly as cold. The consequences of this are discussed
under the unit on Sea-Level Rise.
Having parts of its ice mass near the melting point, the Greenland ice field is more vulnerable to
decrease in size than is the Antarctic ice sheet, and so its time scale for change is shorter than that
of the Antarctic ice sheet.
Mountain glaciers contribute only a small amount of H2O to the global total, but their
locations closer to population centers make them targets for urban and agricultural water supplies. They
can experience noticeable change over periods of decades and, indeed, serve as independent indicators of
global warming as can be seen in the accompanying plot of changes in glacier termini (Figure 13).
Arctic ice is not anchored to land as is Antarctic ice. As floating ice, it governs the evaporation and
heat loss from ocean water and having thickness far less than Antarctic or Greenland ice, it covers a
relatively large surface area despite its relatively small volume. Being
of lower elevation and being surrounded by asymmetric distributions of
land and ocean, the North Pole does not provide an ideal location for persistent polar stratospheric
clouds, although some ozone loss has been detected in this region.
3. Continental Seasonal Snow
Continental seasonal snow also provides recharge for reservoirs used for urban and agricultural purposes. These areas frequently also serve as important recreational sites.
The need of fresh water for humans and terrestrial animals, and the high cost of desalinization have put an increasing demand on global supplies of fresh water. In addition to its uses for direct consumption by humans and animals, and for cleaning, agriculture, and power production, fresh water bodies provide a source of food and ecosystem services previously described. River valleys running through dry regions form riparian zones that have much higher biological diversity than the arid surroundings. Rivers offer an inexpensive form of transportation: a single barge tow can carry the equivalent amount of grain or coal as 900 large trucks . The role of rivers and lakes for recreation and aesthetics should not be overlooked. Their contribution to a high "quality of life" is difficult to quantify but is increasingly recognized in societies having substantial leisure time.Marshes and wetlands are bodies of fresh surface water that have particularly rich ecological diversity. These bodies support not only their own diversity but provide an ecological service in their ability to break down anthropogenic chemicals such as agricultural fertilizers and pesticides. As we saw in the unit on the Carbon Cycle, these areas also are substantial reservoirs of carbon.
5. Subsurface Water
Soil moisture, permafrost, groundwater, and water in deep aquifers compose different forms of subsurface water that impact or are impacted by global change.Soil moisture provides the basic nutrient for plant growth and a reservoir for precipitation storage. By supplying moisture to the soil surface and to plants at a regulated rate depending on soil characteristics, soil moisture also influences surface evaporation and evapotranspiration (water loss by plants) and hence the global energy budget. By slowly delivering water to the surface and to plants over a period of weeks to months, soil moisture introduces a seasonal timescale into the climate system. A climate model with an inappropriate soil moisture submodel may allow its simulated soil to dry out too fast or too slow and cause, respectively, excessive or insufficient heating at the soil surface.
Permafrost plays an important role in global change because of the plant material it has locked up in ice. Melting permafrost exposes new plant material to temperatures that accelerate the decay process. This melting, from whatever cause, will lead to new releases of CO2 and methane, both greenhouse gases, that lead to further global warming (a positive feedback to the climate system).
Ground water includes near surface aquifers that frequently are tapped by wells for human consumption, agricultural irrigation, and industrial uses. Their proximity to the surface and occasional direct connection to surface water, leave ground water supplies vulnerable to contamination from surface pollutants.
Deep aquifers represent water bodies that have been created thousands or more years ago by slow geo-climatic processes, and their water is sometimes referred to as "fossil water". The large Ogallala aquifer in the Central Plains of the US is an example of a deep aquifer.
Volcanic eruptions cause episodic additions of rather small amounts of subsurface water to the atmosphere, but large eruptions put combinations of sulfates and water vapor into the stratosphere where they contribute to a transient (1-2 year) cooling effect on the global climate.
Biospheric water contributes little to total global water reservoirs but serves important functions of transporting nutrients in plants, keeping plants (and hence the earths surface) cool and green (thereby influencing reflection of solar radiation), and serving as a source of nourishment for predators. We will see in the unit on agricultural impacts that increased atmospheric CO2 increases the water use efficiency of plants, which means they transpire less to the atmosphere. Less transpiring water means less evaporation and therefore warmer vegetation surfaces. Murray (1997) calls this the second greenhouse effect (the first being the direct warming due to greenhouse gases) and he estimates it could lead to an additional 2oC to 5oC warming of vegetation surfaces. Plants increase surface evaporation and sublimation (vaporization of snow) by suspending moisture in the form of dew, rainwater, or snow above the ground, thereby exposing much larger moisture surfaces to air movement and phase change.
7. Atmospheric Water
Atmospheric water consists of water vapor and liquid and ice components of clouds. In vapor form, water contributes to the greenhouse effect. The global distribution of water vapor is shown in Figure 14 in terms of g/kg of air, and in a second graph in terms of relative humidity (Figure 15).
8. Clouds
Clouds contribute both to global warming by absorbing infrared radiation from the surface and to global cooling by reflecting solar radiation. The role of water vapor and clouds in moving latent heat already has been discussed. They also contribute to the poleward transport of sensible heat. Atmospheric water is an important mechanism for cleansing the atmosphere of natural and anthropogenic contaminants. One such anthropogenic contaminant, sulfate aerosol, interacts with clouds to cause increased reflection of solar radiation and hence lead to global cooling (Figure 16). This will be discussed further in the unit on the Global Energy Balance .
Data Sources and Field Experiments Relating to Global
Data on water resources of the United States can be found at the web site of the US Geological Survey . Information on the Global Energy and
Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) can be
found on the GEWEX homepage.